- Oct 31, 2017
- 9,578
- Nov 7, 2023
- #1
Let's say in an alternate timeline, Bowser's Fury ended up being DLC for Odyssey, released at the same time, and everything would be the same except the gameplay would use Odyssey's controls and not 3D World controls; the downside to this would be 3D World on Switch would just be a straight port (with online).
Which would you rather have?
Sister in the Craft
- Oct 25, 2017
- 36,453
- Nov 7, 2023
- #2
I really only got 3D World on Switch for Bowser, so if I could have not spent that money that would have been preferable for sure. Odyssey also controls miles better
- Oct 25, 2017
- 44,010
- Greater Vancouver
- Nov 7, 2023
- #3
There's nothing about Bowser's Fury that I'd consider lacking because it was tied to 3D World
- Oct 27, 2017
- 26,516
- Spain
- Nov 7, 2023
- #4
Bowser's Fury works very differently than Odyssey, this scenario makes no sense.
Derbel McDillet
▲ Legend ▲
- Nov 23, 2022
- 21,530
- Nov 7, 2023
- #5
I specifically haven't bought it because I don't like 3D World. So Odyssey DLC or better yet a standalone release.
- Oct 25, 2017
- 6,844
- Nov 7, 2023
- #6
bowser's fury is a whole ass 3d mario game… like yes if i could snap my fingers and have a development team deliver two complete games in the same time frame, i guess id take that?
bowsers fury don't get enough respect! obviously it's not as long as a standalone 3d mario, but the sheer scale and ambition of it is SO SO MUCH MORE than a dlc that the premise of this question just doesn't work for me.
Sister in the Craft
- Oct 25, 2017
- 36,453
- Nov 7, 2023
- #7
Derbel McDillet said:
I specifically haven't bought it because I don't like 3D World. So Odyssey DLC or better yet a standalone release.
Actually yeah, I'd take a stand alone release over both other options haha
Machine Law
- Oct 26, 2017
- 3,387
- Nov 7, 2023
- #8
What a strange scenario. It would've been helpful if you explain why you think the way these games were released was a point of discussion in the first place.
- Oct 25, 2017
- 5,852
- Nov 7, 2023
- #9
I'd rather have it attached to the better game like it is right now
- Oct 31, 2017
- 9,578
- Nov 7, 2023
- #10
Machine Law said:
What a strange scenario. It would've been helpful if you explain why you think the way these games were released was a point of discussion in the first place.
Well people were sad that Odyssey didn't really get DLC and like some said they bought 3D World for Bowser's Fury (me included)
Obviously a standalone game would have been the best option but we didn't get that either.
- Oct 25, 2017
- 3,754
- Nov 7, 2023
- #11
Meelow said:
Let's say in an alternate timeline, Bowser's Fury ended up being DLC for Odyssey, released at the same time, and everything would be the same except the gameplay would use Odyssey's controls and not 3D World controls; the downside to this would be 3D World on Switch would just be a straight port (with online).
wait i thought bowser's fury DID use odyssey's controls?
"This guy are sick"
- Oct 25, 2017
- 822
- Nov 7, 2023
- #12
I'm still waiting for a big discount on 3D World (under 20 bucks) to finally be able to play Bowser's Fury, as I have no interest in buying 3D World since I already 100%'d it on Wii U. So yeah, I would have preferred it being DLC for Odyssey, but it should have really been a standalone digital release.
- Dec 11, 2018
- 5,219
- Nov 7, 2023
- #13
Shoulda been sold alone. I shouldn't have to buy a game I already bought years ago on another platform for full price.
- Oct 25, 2017
- 10,082
- Nov 7, 2023
- #14
I mean, if Bowser's Fury controlled more like Odyssey than 3D World it would be substantially better, so sure.
Conrad Link
- Oct 29, 2017
- 4,278
- New Zealand
- Nov 7, 2023
- #15
I liked it the way it was. Odyssey stands alone as an amazing game full of amazing stages and content to collect, where as I absolutely LOVED 3D World but I already played and loved it on Wii U so probably wouldn't pick it up straight away again on Switch despite the out and out love I have of it... but because of Bowser's Fury it was day 1.
Same thing as NSMB, I didn't get it at launch on Switch because I already played (and loved) it all on Wii U so got it much later. If it had decent new stuff in it I would have been all over it instantly.
Such wonderful multiplayer experiences. Even Bowser's Fury we played co-op. :)
- Nov 6, 2017
- 8,719
- Nov 7, 2023
- #16
I hate that Fury is 30 fps is handheld mode, made me not play it. If it was Odyssey DLC it would have been 60 most likely, so yeah.
- Nov 5, 2017
- 2,936
- Nov 7, 2023
- #17
I bought SM3DW and Bowser's Fury for $40 some time ago. I haven't opened up the box, but it seems like excellent value for what I paid.
So, I voted for the second option. I've bought a handful of Wii U ports for Switch, and this one goes above and beyond compared to the others.
- Oct 27, 2017
- 1,999
- Nov 7, 2023
- #18
I much prefer the Odyssey controls and game-feel, so I definitely would have enjoyed that open-world adventure as an Odyssey DLC more.
I do love Mario 3D World, but that's despite the overly simplified controls, and almost entirely thanks to the excellent co-op. Bowser's Fury doesn't even utilize it, so yeah. An easy choice for me.
▲ Legend ▲
- Oct 27, 2017
- 14,081
- Athens, Greece
- Nov 7, 2023
- #19
Bowser's Fury should have been available as stand alone on eshop imo. Even at 30$ it would be worth it.
- Oct 29, 2017
- 3,748
- Nov 7, 2023
- #20
The one thing that makes Bowser Fury a bit more cumbersome to control than a regular 3d mario is the fact that you have to hold the sprint button to go to full speed which isn't ideal while controlling the camera with the right stick.
So in that sense the same game/expansion but with odyssey instead might have worked better?
- Oct 27, 2017
- 10,179
- Nov 7, 2023
- #21
Im confused at the people who say it shouldve been sold alone
We complain when Nintendo does barebones ports for 60 dollars with no aditions and then we complain Nintendo adds on a bunch of extra content to a port cuz it "forces us" to buy it?
- Oct 27, 2017
- 33,623
- Nov 7, 2023
- #22
Would it be a different Bowser's Fury? Like, I really dislike 3D World and would be up for anything that means less of it.
- Jan 6, 2018
- 10,396
- United Kingdom
- Nov 7, 2023
- #23
I'm not sure Bowser's fury would work as Odyssey DLC, because mechanically it has zilch to do with that game. It was packaged with 3D World because its built from the bones of that game, right down to revolving around the cat suit mechanic.
533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
- Oct 28, 2017
- 31,966
- Nov 7, 2023
- #24
i dont like odyssey so i'm fine with how things are
- Sep 24, 2021
- 1,285
- Nov 7, 2023
- #25
I would rather have a new game thank you.
- Jan 18, 2018
- 3,060
- Nov 7, 2023
- #26
I enjoyed bowsers fury more than odyssey tbh
▲ Legend ▲
- Oct 27, 2017
- 14,081
- Athens, Greece
- Nov 7, 2023
- #27
404LinkNotFound said:
Im confused at the people who say it shouldve been sold alone
We complain when Nintendo does barebones ports for 60 dollars with no aditions and then we complain Nintendo adds on a bunch of extra content to a port cuz it "forces us" to buy it?
Just to be clear I don't complain it's part of 3D world, it was great value. I just think they should offer separately too.
- Dec 8, 2022
- 327
- Amsterdam
- Nov 7, 2023
- #28
Meelow said:
Let's say in an alternate timeline, Bowser's Fury ended up being DLC for Odyssey, released at the same time, and everything would be the same except the gameplay would use Odyssey's controls and not 3D World controls; the downside to this would be 3D World on Switch would just be a straight port (with online).
Which would you rather have?
Why are you asking?
- Jun 2, 2020
- 5,345
- Nov 7, 2023
- #29
what a strange premise of a thread.
it would change nothing lol op even said the result would be a "slightly" enhancement on the 3d world port.
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