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Sell the things you no longer use through a classified ad 377-7474 "Sold to first caller" says Mrs Birkitt Rt 2 8 1N CRAFTSMAN'S BENCI-1 SAW NVith stand 4 In planer moulding nlades 2 extensions WS h23-1090 88 Suburban For Sale 88 Suburban For Sate 18D THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Sun June 5 1966 WEST WEST SOUTHEAST I SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST 10ilworth Park Rd Sectional For FHA and VA foreclosures call us Low down eavment FARMER CO REALTOR 334-4724 523-4848 1 1 57 Seneca Place 114-4ne 34-111411 1 1 57 Seneca Place OPEN 3-6 DELLINGER CIRCLE Brick 3 bedrooms 111 baths den-kitchen combination with built-ins carport utility room ti? years old Laroe shady lot close to schools Assume Loan LILIAN GRIFFIN REALTOR-MLS 392-6554 23 ACRES 2 miles below Matthews Reduced to $16500 CROWELL REALTY 847-9216 4 hedrooms 2 baths fireplace in den builtin rAnne I Acre trees Nothing down to veterans S14500 333-9393 anytime O'Shields Realty SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS In Lebanon Heinhts out 49 Also East of Charlotte thrishno business ahout 2 cre crirner lot Terms KERR REALTY 399 S912 I LAK DR GROVE PARK 3391 Cheraw SC brick 3 bedrooms 2 baths basement Corner lot Nearing complehen 537-0704 S375960 Executive's Dream McADENVIt LE Once In a lifetime opportunity to Purchase this pie- Westminster Park r)Ant home It ha 4 SPACIOUS bed- rooms 2 hill ceramic tile baths 3 bedrooms 2 ceramic Whs brick entranc oyer IIVIOO room dim' oorgeous cherry naneling builtin room kitchemden combination with ranoe attic tan Attached coracle ino utility reom easy to convert all built in annliances A lariv'c garacte tn Ith bedroom lots ot dreamt N1CP tireplare in den patio closets Deep level lot 100 300 Carport and tile norrh Price Stei1S0 Good financing $00 Only SSon down payment re CAROLINA BUILDERS 376-31395 guired Call today CHARLFS REAL TV INC 1'4 1647 HWY 218 4 rooms barn 3 ACCO Shade trees S5000 Terms A rmers Federation-2 Business 333-9393 Anytime O'Shields Realty properties "Ily order of US District Court In 630 AUSTIN DR 12 story dwelling hankuntcY" 15 ITIOILItoS from downtown 596 1509 HARTFORD 3 bedrooms 1' baths fireplace porch wooded Like nrw bri lot mdeCorated new furnace $13 ck 3 bedrooms 2 full nr) 4 GI 530135 Atter baths large living room with -7i i fireplace separate dinlino lots of ASSUME 4'7' LOAN closets Has been redecorMed end 800 BROCKBANK RD New offer floors sanded Priced under apprais ion! Appealing brick carpeted liv eil At 314950 No cash to veterans ing-chning bedrooms or 2 and only $450 down to Non-Veteran den 1'7 ceramic baths Very nice GOODYEAR tenced rear void trees May es sume I' lOan with reasonable down payment $15750 $300 Cash REDUCED S2000 2412 CHARLOT TE DR Spacious 3 SE DOEF1EL Brick 3 bedrooms bedroom home Asume loan nice lot S10 500 with basement SHARON RD 3 bedrooms CIP(1 2 a lam' aore s' 019 woo FHA 195oa teoro Ihyeatsoor 'laths modern kitchen 2 car qa down Your offer fbight bus rage Spacious (rounds Mid 305 Woolard Realty 334-5084 3773327 $15900 3829 SELWYN Spacious colonial 3 RWOOD AVE Excellent bedrooms good location $114 4404 I 3 11 tI bedrooms 7 cerarnii month Assume loan See it a loan Afsesnudcedp-tinon4ear shady lot ENCO REALTY 366-6112 nytime Good Be rryhil I Realty Co 5 BEDROOMS 333-0723 $26 500 366-3710 366-2607 5315336 400 WEBSTER PLACE Real nice Well an brick 2 bedrooms and den or nointed 1 2 story brick third bedroom wall to wall carPets home tor the large family 2 entrance hall living room dining bedrooms and bath upstairs 3 room 2 car carport near school bedrooms 2 baths downstairs and shopping $15150 with den dining room kitchen with built-ins large screened Berryh i II Realty Co porch basement with inside and 333-0723 366-3710 366-2607 537-5336 outside entrance large enough for a playroom Shady fenced sTARmoorr only $110 monthly Yard 2 car oaraoe Excellent Payments on this good loan as condition and carpet and di ape- sumution small down payment ry throughout included Pretty 3-bedroom home with extra MARSH bonus of nice cool screened poach for summer rolovenent and exit a sire utility room Built-in ranter A thrifty buy no gualifyiner no wait Realtors 376-0281 MLS ing Owner transferred See 6314 Night and weekend Montpelier Road today 366-4326 333-1889 333-S034 GLADYS HAWK INS New Listing Reallor-MLS 525725-I Lovplv 3 bedroom 2 bath brick A A home On elevated lot with trees Assume (2 Loan Entrance hall hying room dining Pretty 1 bedroom brick 1 coram i Mom den 2 full baths House baths living dining fireplace r)' carpeted drapes I a rge screen rishwAchpii Near schools shopping norch patio workshop Lot et house slew loan available $15525 fOr S19450 Cal for appointment Real Pretty EVELYN SULLIVAN REALToR tvis 525-2204 New Listing Loveiv 3 bedroom 2 bath brick home on elevated lot with trees Entrance hall livind room dining room den 2 full baths House carpeted drones 1 arde screen norch patio workshop Lot of houSe for S19450 Col for appointment Real Pretty SOUTHEAST (Dilworth Park Rd Soationa) COLONIAL VILLAGE 3 bedroom 2 baths den with fireplace separate rfinina room Corner lot Pa- VA 1182OP Call 523-6378 COLONIAL VILLAGE 529 Tyson St 1 bedroom brick carpet air conditioners screened porch oarage workshop lame fenced yard 5211161 STAPMOLINT "Snotlesa" 3 brd room irIck Leroe livino room cinino room kitchen combinafion eth built-ins Wall to wall carpet Screened north WO down PROVIDENCE REALTY 376-5576 3203 Mayfield Ave 6 rnnm hruck bkIngolinw in PXCrilft cnnditinn Jpr srcinefield School 1 1edr1or1s nr And den rWMPr Will tAkP 2nd mortgAcie A 000CI VetUP At s122so 4331 Valley Stream Road 05f nff SAnpcA P'ACA A WWI ronm brick 3 bedrooms coed cOnditinn owner will finence en srecoll down payment $9 750 509 MELBOURNE CT brick bungalow in excellent condition Kist been redernralfci naraoe 2 nice sife bedrooms nnw vacant near Sedoefield School SRAM VINSON REALTY CO 375-7771 3131k5 312-60n0 521-7014 3661911 545-4196 377-2181 ERVIN 5ttirrif loan Available Junc 1st 1201 Pocklecine Drive low month Iv payments include taxes And inSUrrinCe Hainginess complete in three bedrooms two full baths inrmal Iivinq rnnm with entry tnyer sracious kitchen hos huiltin appli ArCeS dinette APA And nlenty Ahinet soace Seri mato utility And outside storacie Shown by A ppoint ment ion'y Call Ervin Realty Co 323-6475 Prri Strnunot sits writ Pitt JActornn Ed LanCASter 537-04 SE lAVYN PAPK 3 hrrirnorn fr S07n0 $200 A5t bA la ICE? Month LUCIELL DUNCAN ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOME woded lot convenient ouitit location off Selwyn Ave with this 2 bedroom and dPn home with basement garage And workshop stairs to large attic Entrance hall spacious living room with fireplace has French doors and lattice windows overlooking rear Yard Dining room inside And outside entrance to basement Oil heat Price lust $14250 Clayton Bondi' evenings and week podA 233-51t34 NEAR SCHOOLS S14850 Etrick 1' stnry with 2 bedrms and bah uostairs I bedromns 117tihnc incinrrel hirnommin PiUmamelk itchhInh dnwnstairs Needs recincnratinn hut It's priced rinht and alcn PHA loan of S13944 can be assumed with navroPnt Si iFi in chictiro tax and imurance Wall ino clstance to AA Pr s(wv AG Ard St Ann's (Dilworth Pork Rd Sctionti 1626 FOUNTAIN VIEW 2 bedroom air conditioned $11000 376-4653 SEDGEFIELD "Real Dendv" 3 bed room brick large dinino-livinci combination Fenced lot $450 down SPP teCitlY! PROVIDENCE REALTY 376-5576 2:30 5:30 5327 Formbrook Dr Air Conditioned A beautifully landscaned yard with many zaleAs dogwoods! Design includes entry hall living room and diming room with Colonial fireolace Frigidaire kitchen Attractive paneled den opens Onto screened porch overlooking shady private rear lawn! Three bedrooms all flood size: Big utility room off kitchen Central air-conditioning men a wonderfully cool summer here! Priced S19950 Excellent loan assumotion Parmbrook Drive is in Madison Park off of Tvvola goad Your host today is Jo Thompson Realtor SPEIR Our 20th 375-9871 500 Hartford Avenue flnly SOO Down Payment reouirckd on this nice 3 bedroom brick home I Arno wonded lot Very convenient locatnn Price S13a50 GOODYEAR 37S-804 "Our 20th Year" SPEI Quiet Elegance Very attractive home in Hilltrest setting' Wrouoht-iron bordered en try porch interior foyer anPled Oen with raicPtt heArth firenlace Large livino room nerfect for enter Lovly GE kitchen with rk 27 range Three bedrooms tie baths Eicellent condition 692 i'nodstock Drive $19950 Good loan assumption Pushed for Space? A wonderful on for larger familiec PLUS a nicturesnue dead-end set 'inc lot 217 ft dery Entry hall 'arde paneled living Area noenino onto small sun deck Full daylight sement oftrrs 'Arne recreation room in Antigua vine workshop ifftre riAr Ant Three bedrooms 2 hths $20000 Assume loan WYClift PIBCP Wooded Corner 4 crnbe brick ranch with invelv custom features: cedar- nnd cinsPts trAchtinnAl kitchnn nantry dishwasher huiltin dnsk and l'brarv chnlyns Liviro mom 2 bnd ronrns and paneled (inn SCreennni nnrch caronrt nAtin PPAI niCe at 516000 Montford Drive AI i I I iamsburg Thminq "0d hrick" extnrr unu Pot-of-Gold at the Pnd of the rainbow hnre At the nuirt "turoaround' court end of Sowicklev Thi piC turesnue home featureS CIASSiC 0n ry hall fireplaced living ronm rQ panted den formal dining Arde country kitchen dinette pato lame beautifully landscaprd roar Throe brdrooms 2 tOe baths S204)75 Oven by a000intmert Montclaire Assume 514 'Jo' Loon for big savinrts on this very attrar tive home! Comfortable plan includeS 3 lovely bedrooroS nice Iv no room paneled don clinino randement brinht modern tcheo built-in 1 tile baths A larnr carport and hadweather entry arc not usuary found this price rang- Good loan A surnotion Priced Onle S11200 Seacrolt Road SPEIR INC 375-9871 onytime! pEALToPs pots SEE THESE tr I 7') 1 r--i IT' 1 i i 0 PEN MANHASSET Pt) 3 bedroom 1'2 bath brick On elevated wooded 'ot Nice large kitchen and dmino combination xceiient cond hop Price S12650 FHA or GI Georgia Craig 1663158 334-9964 MADISON PARK 4528 Bradbury Dr Draperies and carpeting throuoh out Built-in OVPII and dishwasher with dinette area in kitchen Livino room with dinno area 2 bedroom nane'ed den 11 baths Sr1 porch 516C00 ASSUMP loan 525-2829 714 Cooper Drive Attractive California ranch Has 3 bedrooms deo 2 fuil baths complete built-in kitchen fenced in rear natio 2 blocks to schools Priced 512925 No down pavment to veteran $825 down FHA GOODYEAR 1754484 8( McC 314 Cooper Drive BPSt on Assumntinn $182S 00 down And Assume $15015 GI Mortgace with 400 ititerPO Arrl pAymentonly S124 A mnnth Thrpp bedrocm 2 baths and den 0011 rai5pr firrplace qamornus 0Acloet fi0ors Picnic-oprirct VAto And oisautitullv nianted yard Call today to see 2117 Charlotte Drive 6 room hom in gond cord flan offered for siliP for S11260 won drrfol neionbornood CiOSP to all conyenionces Call today to sae 3220 Mayfield Ave $37500 Down Own Pr wilt nay all allowable closloo cost They aro VPrY ACOUS immodiate occunancy 3 opdrooms liviod room dinmo room ktcOon oreaktast room And small Honda room $12325 FHA pDrasal Freeman McClintock 334-7211 Real fork CoJrnoe Jr Peclov Mc Milian "Skicoer" Beatty Grace McGreoor Bob Har'okton Bob Holder Jr Banks Mc Cholock Jr MLS 366 85 523-168e 3322PSt 376-6286 36-1367 366353C 332-2552 il 1' i 'V 1 i A 1 D' I' 1 11 1:011 schnolc c1 drsion with hridr-inms Se MARSH --1t1 CP rivAry in tho ftft wiritt Erttry tnyAr carrntd 1no roonCe Ain 326-r2S1 AILS Lii'rheiri API thAktAct ArnA 2 triti Night A(-1 Wklfi Aths Sue Pond porch is vorect lot 133-5034 3664326 333 RP yoolor dr1 no And non onto OAtO Only $17500 Call for address (Roselle Film Rd WSlill Heightl Sections) 2401 GREENt AND AVE FHA appraisal $10500 2 bedrooms livino room dining room It2 baths Ili') hatn ls in Portion used by ownernairdrocser) Excellent condition in convenient location Bemont C7 Associates REALTORS 334-8428 MU Lovely 4 bedroom den and bonus room with many other features ideAt for large family desiring Privacy and gracious hymn Convenient to schools Snooping centeri Price S1139S0 no down payment In veterans And only WO down on HA Located in Westmoreland Off Sam Wilson Rd near 1-85 On Farrhill Rd Town CI Country Construction Co Office 366-9703 Niqhfs 525-1981 3661525 520 So Summit Ave COLORED Executive home owner built 2 story brick 9 rooms 3 baths full basement lot 110 700 Shown by anoointinent to Qualified buyer Sacr rifire sale tor S21500 STILES REALTY REALTOR 376-1708 Anytime ERVIN Time to move School's almost out Contemporary solit-level tor a family 3 bed ooms cathedral living room and panelled rcreation room No opal ity rno $900 and assue loan tor 1230 Ranch Road in Westchester Ervin Realty Co 392-5321 Bill Crane 889-2272 Sam Richards 333-4079 Tom House 392 4551 LAWINGS WESTMINISTER PARK 1 year old brick veneer 3 bedroom hue 2 ceramic tile baths kitchemoen ombination eectr lc ceiling twat hearth At tilPiACP in den Intercom with AM-FM radm Carport A c1 storage room Beautiful wooded lot Just $17900 SI43C0 loar an be assumed at 5 payments lust SIO3 including tax 2471 REMOUNT 2 bedroom brick veneer home with hying room dining room den I oil hpat 2 out buildinos lot SOxISO SIOQ95 Has $7000 FHA loan at Payments only $74 SO per month includmo taxes and insurance 532 wiTHRow RD hs dAndy 2 bedroom brch veneer home has A cerarmc file bath hot ar heat 2 car carport Lot 90x2s0 And its vacant ready to move in Just S9500 312 TUCKASEEGFE RD Nice frame 2 story house 8 rooms Path I ot 50050 Hot air heat Nce yard With big 011( trees $8000 EASTFIFLD RD A nice 3 or 4 bedroom home 2 iarcie baths hut-in kitch-n with senarate dining screened porch 2 car carpert with large storaoe room hot air heat Over 2600 so ft This horne is nestled in a beautiful grove Of tre And surrounded by 25 acres ot the nicest land in the county ISO ft frontA7e On Eastfield Rd S45000 GASTON COtINTY lust off 1-twy lo one ryule west et Roue ll's F-erts Ftridee we have acres of lAnn witrt one 0 room hoSP And Another 3 room hnuse Th5 5 dev 'orneone hp need A DIAre ssruyi And Dad Over 20 acres tIrP 11 lake Th 14 n115 noAntnAn ChArOte D00 LAM NGS INC REALTOR Ar Cre0 300-3260 PlAt7 LAwnq pprrck -09SRO(' 2706 ROYSTON ROAD 5750 CASH In Ashley Park 3 bPdrtInm brick bungalow shady lot near school move in now 611250 Vinson Realty Co 375-7771 Nioht 366-15131 37' 218 332-6900 521-79i4 Bargain No City tAx Nciw 6 room brick 2 bAths doubla cAroort PITA DI XnN INC NIGHTS R22 "NpAt And oretty" 3 1)ciroorns Excel font CNdtion wati knr! lawn ClArAde And workshop RITA DIXON INC 3Q2 2110 NIGHTS 82763t ERVIN Rent with option to buy Four houses for rent i beautiful yestern section No other can compare in quality design and excellent location ecituring three bedrooms extra large bath with built-in Invonette kitchen with built-ins Comfortable scree ned Porch for indoor and outdoor pleasant living Excellent design provide imagination for young modern families in a wealth of living area Exceptional offer by Ervin Realty Co 392-5321 Bill Crane RA9 2272 CAm PtchArris 311 4176 Thm House 39215'17 00 DOWN GLENDA! ACRES 3 bcdcort hrck Rpnoler 1 bpdrevp-r1 rAnchPr PARK 3 bedroom con frrnnorlry YORK R0 area 3 hedroom ranch PROVIDENCE REALTY 376 5S76 ERVIN: NewlYweds start out right A buchi et minded completely rec and i tinned brick home Gas heat built in range and plnfiful storage tsume on ow! only S450 doe and payments of S73 51 for 300s Markand Drive Ervin Realty Co 392-5321 Sam Pichards 31141179 Bill Crane 9119-2272 Tom House 392-457 NEED WORKSHOP vVe've lust listed A dandy! Built of concrete block heated nirntv of windows it's 20 30' The ti-roon house has 3 bedrooms tone tremendous) 2 baths and separate dining Nice street near "rock49049 nee Fenced lot S9500 NEW LISTING If Yeu want a good loan assumption with 0517000 down and S9500 per month this is it Cean 3 bedroom bath den home on corner lot Better than new financing Take a look Nights call Mary Mackay 366- 5998 WYMAN REALTY CO Realtor 312-1220 MLS Para Dillehay 334-49e3 KO Spicer 333-2496 Ruth Gosnell 573-193'i Mary Mackay 366-5998 ErneSt Magness 37541136 kids stecbill 325-3419 Virginia Walker 366-1711 Grandin Rood Wesley Heights Call us to see this very nice roomy houco with living room dining room 3 laroe bedrooms 2 dens one with fireplace kitchen with breakfast ArPA 112 baths nice tot Priced at FHA ApDrAisAl of only $14375 Sam Atkinson Inc Realtors 334-5361 MLS NORTHWEST (North Graham Statesville Ave) GARDEN PARK POW 3 bdrrom brick hnmes in your choice of modern designs Attractive cnrnmunity nif Beattie' Ford Pd iutit Nnrth nf lig Trttel payments el 115W 811 $en per month BUILDER 331E0104 376-8196 SNOW ALL FOR $12950 Substential brick with 3 bad moms and 1' 2 baths iACP coy ered natio fenced in yard (mod cnnvenient location You name the terms Big Price There Are 3 bedrooms 2 full baths And A lame den in this spacious split ieVP1 GonanuS iainorlort Int assume loan Vito a rrenth SI5750 FOUR BEDROOMS brick horrr On deartend ktkrat in OOPular Vadison Park full baths workshop fenced in noctod let Just redecorated $17000 CHET SNOW 523-9361 OFFICE 477 PARK RD OPEN ri5 71 11 1 Rotelie Ferry Tuskavtittioite Wesley Heights Sections) 2705 BEECHNUT RD Lovely 5 room home large wooded lot Oil heat $9000 TURNER BROS INC 122 4th St 375-5792 323-56e9 NORTHWES1 (North Graham Statesville Ave) St Allen Hills Very neat two bedroom 1'1 bath home Large living room with fireplace kitchendining with lots of cabinets plus oantry and large slot ane closet panelled den with tire Place iarqff porch and new covered natio 14 41' Carport with large storage room This at tractive home is situated on a elevated beautifully landscaped wooded lot with one of the nicest private fenced rear yards you will ver see Should you want to ex Panel in the future there is a davlite basement Most reasonably priced at SIS2S0 4908 Nivens Road NiCP three bedroom brick home on large lot Living room dining room den and breaklat kitchen combination GliraCIP and large storage area under the house USA() DAVIS CI DAVIS 101 Tryon 333-0564 Jim Howser 113-8546 Kathryn Curry 36-2004 hd Sal6 366-0013 Perry Htdnell 166-S927 88 Suburban For Sale HI( KORN' GROVE 5 room tot ILA double dArAde Out building Acres $1400 5361553 Approximately 3 miles from UNC-C Harrishulg 217 acres with A larcr 3 bedroom home 2 baths SOc lot) den with fireplace double garage shown by Appointment Also 4 bedroom 1'2 bath home GENE SEHORN TRADES 7821181 RENTALS Concord COULWOOD under construction 3 bedroom 2 bath double carport large corner lot Conventionally ti named Reynolds 399-5179 HUNTER ACRES Owner 3 brd roJrn brick den 11 baths patio carpeted $17500 596-1547 HARRISBURG NC 3 bedroom brick ranch full basement Acre lot minutes from UNC-C Has bio 6 22' front porch plus workshop garage and extra room in basement 455-2543 Harrisburo anytime OFF HWY 74 In Union County New 3 bedrOorna bulltins carport Woocied lot RUSHING 847-1299 8211967 BY owner Providence Townshin 12 miles heart of Charlotte 1 room brick ranch style 3 bedroom nlus office SIDACP All electric facill lies 142 acres nermanent nature all fenced Punnno sream includno I ncr es wooded Barn for horses or cattle Showing 3-5 150(130 C811 SI7-92A2 ASSUME PAYMENTS S211 nrr month- 2 Arros 4100 xo ft of luxury Mimmuro thrxo 841 6237 Acre wooded int new hrick Soafious bedrooms baths with cr-4m1( shower High dam: led itrhenfamilv room that iS 2S ft attacord (ardor? with Ais 12 ft ctrIrAle Mom for freecer etr Kirth rlOWM 25 vears to oav Only sQC rrinothis onclurtion tAP5 CiI hirddet 4wtime dew or oinht 376-1491 East Providence Estates 2 tory rustic coloniAt on 1 acre wooded lot 4 hedrooms lerae den Ath firenlAte breakfAst room In kitchen 12 12 utility room LArge likno diming centre' a corMtiontno Sil SOP tA01 trActe Colonial Realty 332 4239 SEE OUP LOVELY Homrs In Cot) Iwood Hills John Blnyharr Inc 333-5042 3998124 COUNTY TAXES ONLY 2' Acres Fniov livno in thk hAdroorn t'r iCk horr foAtto modern convct 11AI tor A 'Ire frnil A1 inf run rfn rnAtor todAY 72 7396 P25 7421 OPEN 1-6 In Beautiful Lake Forest 7616 Glenconnon Dr lust comnieterf Invely nrw 3 bed room brityk situated on nrotty itcre lot 2 baths rAopioO den iren'ace end buiit-in snitaralY lining room lerge rerted back torch 7 car cArport A most for Your mcfney $24400 7624 Glenconnon Dr New 8 Room Custom Built Birck 4 bedrooms dining room-liviro rnorn combinAtion firpoiRcp paneled teiroily room 7 top hAths CM carport DAtio Pretty Acre leorlscennd int S24400 5900 Woodbridge Rd AtsrActiVe 2 torv room brick home WilliAmsburo design Vol Will like 4 bedrooms I b4thc extra iArne 0ineled farri'y roam air con dtioned rArget fire nt Am ma nv other nice Inatures S21950 DIRECTIONS Dr Ivo out Albeener Pd 'Thies DASt city 1mits tr Forest turn lett end tonne lur signs EXCELLENT EINANCINC KING REALTY CO 5373498 ARSOLLITELY NOTHING LIKE IT For the moneV Sc for yourself 5r132 Allen Rd East 3 bedroom Paneled den 2 ceramic built in 'mop and oven cornicos drapes and carpeting included plus extra nit living quarters in bAsemero wth segarate heatino system And oAth (larAor Workshop corner lot Call for particulars A BASINGER 376-7S79 Realtor 366-2186 176-76414 366-8353 333-5630 Open House 3 to 5 COULWOOD 248 MELL WOOD DR 3 bedroorr brick Oaths on large wooded lot in gond location See this one today fnr Only S18800 mrcLuRE LAND CO 109-56M Night and weekend 399-7869 REAMES ROAD hrick home on 2 acre lot three bedrooms nne and a halt baths nine nanr led den and tchen with built ins large scrrd rnrch and AtlAchpd onp-rar 3 veers old onod conchi tin 1060 souare feet hpAtne ArPA Srhoni bus at door to all srhnk FRICKHOEFFER Realtors 1344729 MLS MUST SELL! Now is the time to net a wonderful in this lovely almost-new hr'rk ranch home rn Casa LYnd Lane Owner movinn out of town wants quick sale It offers hanny livino with bin farnilv room kitchen raised hearth fireplace built-le hutrh eatino bar wall-oven And surface units niass slidinq doors liyino room entry hall 3 bedrooms 2 haths double carnort storane and tility room Snacius lot no city taxes plenty of privacy Finanrinn to clit you DrivP out PiiiA ROAri Kfrnsinn to Hood Road lett one hdock to Casa Lynda Lane $21500 See todavf Near timrr 41ADYS HAWKINS PFALTOR-MLS 5252254 LITTLE POCK PD 4 hedronm solitlevel study 22 baths Welk to 3 schools 3928707 ArPFS Pd (Off Providence lifd 7 bedroom home on 2 hcautitiii Acres 30 ft frontage on SZPit Pd PricP t1151)0 PARBRE REALTY CO 17O0 The Plata 334300 537 5451 No Listings on The Moon Yet sut if its room that ynif Arr inokinn kir save vnurself the teir and lonk at Providence Acres in stead Bio Acre And half wended tracts well restricted bayed roads hest neiohborhond If that's not hit nounh we can riistorn cpt to von needs Prices StArt it wftrn' if desired Call iis frIr mAr of this section and sell vourelf Henry NPwson 314-9705 A OuarterCenturv Realtor IDliworih Park Rd Sect Iona) MONTCLAIR 2076 Archdale Dr 3 bedroom- 2 baths built in kitchen assume VA loan 5let 525-3672 atter 8 or weekends Homes For "Bet-ter Living" TMs sioaon i5 our sthcere doorp in 'manna the "richt" home for you And your family VVe have an excellent selection of both new and used homes financing of all types available and a sales staff of competent brokers ready to ne of service Call today and ipt us help you fnd your "Home for Setter Living The Hovvey Company REALToRs MULTIFN LISTING SERVICE 3M-8426 1 57c Andmr Rd By Owner ASSUME 41 2 LOAN OPEN 2-6 PM 3 bedroom baths tiOnd mom Moy Pr -cw3) ttchen large tann draperies AnCI pet PorCrl 2 car garagP Comoe cm 2400 Sq ft heated space VIC 20's BEVERLY WOODS Spacious Elegance New to market 3727 Severn AVe AntiOUP brick four level split 4 bedrooms 3 baths larue roorn and separate dinind room carnets drapes Family room 27-04 with raked hearth plus 23i02 playroom Beautifully landscaped lot Attractive 54 VA loan assumption Unusual vaiue al SA)0() Call for anointment 366-0294 LAUREL WOODS Lovely CrOland built 2' year old sold-level home )Par Sharon Rd school and shoo0Q 4 bedrooms baths paneled den larde kitchen dinino area Es- rientiorlal buy in low 70'S A rr gSu a 4908 Fairheath Pd 3t6 1255 ATSUME LOAN 715 TEMPLETON AVE 5 bedroom brick home $1400 clown Se2 SO month DAVANT REALTY INC SOUTH Pineville Rd York Rd Sections ERVIN Rent with obtion to ourchase Ideal location! Ideal Price! Ideal De ioni 1142 Seneca Place has three bedrooms master bath guest bath living room with entry foyer iaousie formal dning area tireolace large kitchen with exhaust hood And fan And dishwasher Larne nretty lot on bus linn A truly outstanding home buy Ervin Realty Co 5216425 Fred Stroune 525-0904 Bill Jackson 521 Ed 1anc er 537-949A BRITISH WOODS Beautiful new bedroom Assume on 121 month plus SA00 equity No credit or ncorne qualifications 523 0514 2 bedrooms den EN-Keel yard Assume loan 523-1856 IN FORECLOSURE 512 East Blvd 1 rooms 7nrr1 tIVineS offiCES Also foreclosure aid S4130' $150 DOWN NO CLOSHG COST Ownsr w11 finance Chovrr Cycle 5 room house in outet And locAtion NPPdS somp rp nairs Call Charlie Cash 873-4002 Atlants Georqa collect CAN'T QUAL I FY? Asstrre a low interest rate GI loan 071 this 3 bedroom 12 bath home Lbusual brick stone and cndar shake exterior S78 a month inclucte ever vt hino Hurry! CHET SNOW 523-9361 Colored Assume 15 Year loan on 3 bedroom brick S76 month s2Ciii equity will lake S1500 cah Ownnr S23 9205 Only $375 Down buy this pretty one story brio home with 3 bedroorns room kitchen-dining combiniltion nice front porch and covered pAii rear Lots of attic storaoe Nooded lot Convenient to Arrov wond Southern and shopping center 'sm city taxes to pay Owner wii pay all permissible closing cot and sell at HA apPraea1 of only 911325 Sort Atkinson Inc peatos 114 5361 Mt 327 PETERSON DR 2 hedronnn brick Large Int Small down and asmme ravments S7650 Vii LACE REALTY 1791469 SOUTHWEST lWIkinson Blvd WI 'more Ct ANION PARK "A beauty" 3 bedroom 112 baths corner lot redecorated ike new Nothina itown small closing cost LEE SANDERS 333-8463 2726 BARRINGER DR 2 bedroom brick redecorated family room-kitchen living room Separate pa rICIP Small down payment Home Or -ales Co 377-6403 375-8656 Night 366-7186 ROLL INGOOD "Peal nice" 3 bed room brick recently redecorated S450 down end assume 5ie--0 GI LEE SANFtERS 3338463 3 Bedroom brick 12 baths Fenced wooded lot 5230240 Owner transferred 6 ISO down as sumo loan 3 bedroom kitchen den Fenced 523-3287 after 6 ASSUME rtv fnr SanO is years tett on 2" Year 4 7 loan monthly Dayme Its $87 525 3IHI 366-5913 SPLIT LEVEL $16500 Ora nice centrally Air condi firmed And with large wooded Int fenced In rear 3 bedronms And bAth on goner level paneled family room kitchen 7 bath And inside sforaneutility ronm on lower level Gas heat attic fan paved driveway 3137 Barfield Rd in Edlehronk MARSH Realtors '376-02a MLS Night and weekend 366-4326 333-1889 333-5034 NO CITY TAXES 1911 WOODflURY Excellent brick 3 bedroomS den dinino room built-In ranne and oven also-washer nice birch cabinets carpets and cornices to remain Assume or new loan Berryhill Realty Co 3110771 166-7607 166-1710 517-5116 886 Out Of Town AIR CONDIFIONED 3 Inrat tv'drooms 2 Intoe bnihs Rut bnsement Belmont 82S-2866 825-3352 825- 5690 Will trnde fnotnrie in nPW Windsor Perk Shonnion Center to Cheraw to coottnrtnr to build building Also Will And build suit tenent CAll Joe Helms 537- At Public Auction On Saturday June 11 Inc Atrd 621 North Main St 77 4 nn 1 Flrest Citv In no a with 2 car RR siding store and wrehouse-31S3 so feet Hiway 71 Sioloino rembinahor TRYON-- 1-04 intersection of Southern rz and snArtanburg Hiway No 1 76 an proximate i'l fret nn Hwy 176 I hmhinoten 2 tor hr it a -r game bulirlinq 6939 SCI feet kt lcri ts Horne 1 bedroom with Oa age Terms 10e droosit nri rlAte ore balanct crith 10- untrmA and receipt of deed no days (lotion perort Fnr rletais calf HUNT1 EY HEDGE AUC1 loN CO (or I Huntley Foritt (Htv 11 2-IS 4044 Hedoe Hendersonville Tel 693--935 sINCS OUNTAIN I acre 6 trees Pretty uiet ient conven lew 2 bedroom rick with 'trim replace built-in crdir range Lots --isrwets ICt closets For ovicx au and 1 liMe lo-In of 7SO $S0 739 183O Kings Mountain 89 loll For Sole Ft lots in barclay Downs and Randolph Park call BE RX SHIRE PEAL TY 373 8664 NOL VV006i oft Pd Wooded lots fully improved SI500 IZ A Pharr 36 21PS Npoded 200 nPAr vilte Ave Bantist Chord) ni GPIENIHItL DU Old Pmcv Prt IN "12 hn S3 250 Terms GRIf-FITH 332 7173 Albemarle Rd 2'7 acres paved rmsd gond rt ktocklenbtrri (00F0n Yp SFt5 7 CO 3'6 4or9 1 AiONDERWOOD Im PdOlPh Pd )1f IV 0PO(Pr) lev 1)110 cXt44E pl 7 Terr'1-s 334 r)i4 rkTsqRPJE 2P02C Rs( ElqsRPJE flfAutifot -rektrf fri lot 2102c si 8sc irrms irov Slu0 down Broker 112 Wi hAvP sever booldno lot rkreis CM ArrAnorf nancoci Westbrook 316-8829 LINDA LAKE DR 100 trer lovrl paved S2ga 53738'2 MINT HILL 2 Nice co EAU 545-5461 5454t-F For coinred Brfeutiful wooded it ArtliCf101 Pnrk nft Attes rord Rd 3 miles from city S125 doNn S15 month 375 6357 (JAY 166-5760 night We Have Lots To Brag About qpItirniAl And cnommerclAl iet Aoci sccfn rir1 orrr A fro (hey' es on r000esitr Ayrsiire Anord Wo-rnAn IrdAy to Perkinson Realty Inc Pf-AITCP 372 3103 Lro All Arra ty Terms ry trAde tor An thO1 Of ALie 4R2S MOC) 39) 1115 ACREAGE TRACTS 1 7 A 13 and 25 Acre fr1rt5 fincludeS 7 Acros lAks1 15 rnr1 frOrt ChArlottr Off Altrm4ro Pd end rn N49 neAr LiNCC DAv 3776403 rr 054 Niont 596 6f47 537 23i2 510 Down 55 'north Arne irt trtiterS FiPattio Ford Rd 37 WI col I GE PAP 2 'v' wi 1r10'14)g lc rn 2on S(L 1-1 8 mnot frr UNCC EVELYN SUL LIVAN 525 LAKE NORMAN deeded It wfh trees S41715 wooded 5290: CedArbrook 1002rn nodrd S1350 jenkns Drive rft Athernarie Rd 2' ovti70 511 ni'on County off Ind Blvd Terms Gladys Haorkrs PpAlfor 52- 2254 OFF SARDIS Woncied trect Skop) 5o00 down Thomoson 376-4401 2-7 miles VVRT Towers 0114 restrirtni Intc Ch45 In PrAitY 37A2082 376-5715 cFnAPsponx DP 1FP Al rsr APL PO 217' Cl 376-R2R6 nr cAomrt-Pr) Arrokc from Country DAY Schord Int 1751450 CLARKSON 134-640 OflWOOt) PO ton 700 wrinttrl Reduced to SP7s 66 2112 After 1171111 PAPCLAY OnWofs pn Wor1 ed 1711 53650 113101 cnl nPF 11 nice wood Int for hr Todd Perk $395 311 2122- Lots Eastern Section cApms Pr cinsp 1 mr SHASTA I ONE Ian ft frnt FIEVEPLY CIRCI fOry2o0 5Of )(FP P) rfuntev int cAPOIC RD duroev N)104mch SrI1c 375-52gq ACRES 575 ft revert rlortheAst Of ctv 50000 CArdonAl 134-1581 1417 SENECA Pr) Nice level Int with city wAtnr And V'WerAOP COM fpct inns paid for Price S2756 AA Pl WOOD ACRES Roal lArnp wndod lot PADDOCV CIPCt Pent nice level lot V2C0 Berrvhill Realty Co 3663710 366-261)7 537 Pretty wooded lot Irn 20S in airtd Park nrar rIPW High S2 900 Nionts cAll Ernet Mannoss 17 P716 inc 0 191 02 105 fl4 219 Of woodod lot xcellent neinhhor hood on Walinco Neal Pond Elerry hII Townh0 $2000 Town Country Nondort lot Inn 377 Ciall Florn niuohnv 3'4 49k3 2 4'2 Wnodod Acros 1250n Out Hickory Grove Newell pd to Robinson Church Pond to Irwin Ort Pinht Hickorv Or right to Circle left to sign CAll Ruth Go nett 537-1913 WYMAN Pr AI TV CO Rentfor 372-1220 MI 01 PrZnVInF NCE A A woodort Acres with frontnno on Provirlooro and Old Proyr1once MORRIS TPOTTER SON 1113591 In nire section with troos 1091 fro-split level or curio on pronerty for additionni informarion Turn on Progross moo nt Oarby Anartmonts on Alhemnrio Rd Contact A Heatnor 109 Lincoln Pri Wilmington NC 919- 76290116 oFF sunproN PD Larne lots suitable for Chas Lane Realty 176-20117 376-5215 mEAnowwonn I ANE fleautiful wooded lot on lovely street Only 'ot left On th's street 200 445 327 124 $9750 STAFFORD CIRCLE Gently sloolog In Adioins Amity Country Club Pretty Pines On rear of lot 130 194 95 164 00 260 5 Sam Atkinson Inc Realtors 3345361 MLS Lot 97' 236' College Park S1295 or trade for camper 390-0667 7 Lots NhAr Cotswold School Anti the new lunior hloh school off Sha ron Amity Road Laroe and wooded Price S3500 to S6900 Water and stne Wooded Lot within wkin distance of Myers Park Hioh and A tumor High LeVel 104 feet frontage 225 feel deep Call today Two 7 acre lots off Prowlenre Road on ColintrY Lane Smno 00 each FrPOrtlan McClintock 314-721 I (Wilkinson Blvd Wi imor bke nrw 3 bedrooms Select colors Payments month Quiet street Broker 3328970 366-2312 2616 DANTRY PLACE Real nice brick 2 bedrooms ceramic tile bath built-in range and oven 2 years old Fenced rear yard Excel lent VA 5' 4'0 loan assumption $7525 month Berryhill Realty Co 333-0723 366-3710 3662607 517-5336 OFF WEST BOULEVARD S400 Down Ica nice brick home 3 bedrooms 2 baths full dinino room oil heat nrettv kitchen in early American Plenty of space he tor A orowinci family Call today to see Price Si7850 JACK SPIERS AGENCY 176-7431 Realtor MLS Nights and Sunday Call 3662309 366-2309 334-3498 THIS OLD HOUSE lust old enouoh to be a burgh 3 bedrooms large den separate din ing room and plenty of room for ex pansiOn New furnace and lust redecorated S9950 CHET SNOW 523-9361 2730 MAYFLOWER RD 2 bedrooms paneled kitchen-den COM bination living room with fireplace FHA approved $9950 375-3412 ASSUME LOAN 1053 CLANTON RD Brick like new 5 rooms ample cabinets and clos es Pay S860 equity and move in 59141 a month Balance on loan ipproxiinateiy S10800 WILLOUGHBY REALTY 523-5188 536-3879 Honeymoon Haven Assume low interest GI loan Owner I leaving town Equity shametullY reduced on this dainty 3 bedroom wick paneied family kitchen Fenced Paved drive $8594 Iota: rwr no ttrt ARCO RE ALry 3Q? 21127 Anytime WEST Roselle Ferry Tuskasseegee Rd Wesley Heights sections) AESTMORELAND Of Sam Rd on Longview Drive 4 bed nom den larne recreation room utility room with boilt-ins Extra -arcie woodod lot No dovxn OaYMPTIt vetx Only S8130 down FHA For liVing Town C7 Country Construction Co Office 366-9703 Nights 525-19b1 366-1525 Looking for a new home convenient to work on the Westside? Kent wood II is very convenient to 185 off Sugar Creek Pd Pretty new hick homes from $11000 to S14000 Best in financino BUILDERS 276-8296 537-1146 SMALLWOOD 2 bedroom Small down Payment 371-1201 WESTCHESTER HOME For sale by owner Assume loan 399-0254 c'ULL DRY BASEMENT '533 BRIARDALE 3 bedrooms 2'2 bathc recreation room in basenent paha Truly a real buv S220( nowm VP 06 monthY today Moore Real Estate 332-5049 MLS 219 HARRISON ST Six room home in too cnndition Only seeing it volt convince you that this is An mucual buy at $57)0 Cal! 'iikPrCon at John N' Daetre Co 734-6801 ASSUME LOAN 3 BEDROOM Brick fenced yard 309-Ron :12 INWOOD 3 room frame tot 55010 Wi I rAde or cAr truck tractor or a part cavment Terms near 85 by pass 199-3133 SIAS ASSUME 5' LOAN 1'521 OLD STEELE CREEK PD bedropm brick large paneled ktchen-dnn1 sPadPd 'ot wtP rear fepced Call 309 CO3i or 332-1415 NDALE ACRES "Very nice" belroorr brck comoletly redeco- ried NctPria dcwn srnall PLL1 4615 SAMPSON ST 2 brdrooms fenced backyard $800 Down and acsume loan By owner 392-1058 Located in beautiful Westmoreland off Sam Wilson Rd near 185 on Farrhill Rd 3 large bedrooms living room formal dmino room panel den carport with joining utility room two full ceramic tile baths With marble Vanities and pane revered porch with 120170 lot FHA down IDAVMent S890 No down Payment to Vets Town Country Construction Co Office 366-9703 Nights 525-1981 366-1525 DUPLEX $13000 On Marlowe Ave off Wilkinson Blvd auiet area near schools 2 bedrooms per side 2 car basement coracle Lot 112 ft front-ace tree on rear Can FISSU'r FHA loan bwlarre $7100 tth paymerts 880 and insurance Seller will take second mortgage Rent 81581 per year Call 'N Todd 376- C291 or evenings and weekends 3331889 MARSH Rea 1Inr5 3115112111 VLS Nv4ht and weokends 333-18F19 366-4326 333-5C31 West Mecklenburg Hi Excellent loam assumptinn 1 bedrooms 2 full baths large nanelect den with fireplace Kitchen built-is ivinndining carpeted Level int 192-7396 MILLER 3329579 325-3424 392-1237 3971922 1 9 1 2 Woodda le Ter livia ronm dinino morn kitchem 3 bedrooms and bath tnrane aftC Oil hOt AT hAat NoodFft Int S11250 GOODYEAR 275-8484 BON- AIRE DR Firautful 3 bedroom brick on dead end street Ideal for children Nicer than riPW on larop woodPc1 lot cah FHA MLLFR 332 5979 725-3245 392-1237 392 1922 ATTRACTIVE Soarate (Salina room room aro" hack of house in unusual floor clan that is clflerent fl1 aonellincy 3 bedrooms 1 -aths othtv room and garaop Acrnss $hp street from 3 schon's Prtcr $)9000 tow down Payment '4'7 Lick acveop TOUCHBERRY Parlor 3348608 ikALS AT LAST! P1ety of room and payments ley ban rent Charmina whte framc hOmP near Ashley Park schools 3 drooms 2 baths porch double rage fenced yard large ktcher and full dmino room WO down So El her month Possible to trade in maller home Call Ed Christman to SPP JACK SPIERS AGENCY 116-7411 Realtor MLS Nohts and Sunday Call 66-2309 334-3498 366-3760 WAN DAWOOD Financing 550 rash and move in Brand new 3 bedroom brick homes with paved invewav 70 foot lots some with freec Coen 11 iii -xcept SalJrday Call O'Neale Pool Spongier Const Oav 392-58AR 315-3736 Night 3764095 ASSUME GI LOAN Ideal 3 bedroom brick 2 baths 2 fireplaces huge den olds dining Carpet Carport Work shop Fenced SI000 down move in $19 950 3s2-2698 CARDINAL 134-1681 MOORES PARK FOR GI Neat 3 bedroom brick Porch Parade fenced Extra $1510 392-2698 CARDINAL 334-1681 "CONVENIENT TO EVERYTHING" 2424 Tuekaseedee Rd 8 room brick corner lot $12000 RITA DIXON INC 392 7110 Nights 8276366 COLORED 6 ROOM PRICK Gmrago $400 down FHA 192-2698 CARDINAL 3141681 Big ivy-covered oak trees shade this nice roomy home with 3 bio bedrooms large kitchen beksement Hot-air heat system 304 Wondvale neer Smith Only 511027S Nothing down to veterans Call Speir Inc 375-9871 1916 Camp Green mok to school bus at door 4 hedrooms 117 baths large family room separate brealdao room niCP closets itchen clish Rasher disposal br4Akfast bAr ')utcid4 stor4ne nAtio oil h5At to each room $11750 FHA Anpra45411 Creel Realty -16o-38117 376 7142 "HAPI) TO 46FLIEVF" 4 bedronm brick 6 acres Near I85 S254106 RIT A DIXON INC 302-2319 Nights 27-6366 4216 3 bedrooms paneled itchen-den full basement carport $12000 1319393 anytime O'Shields Realty 24 A FA rS HOnly r1 vm il 01 9 off tld woy p211 SS6 frontage beautiful wooded home sites fenced pasture Wafer ner Acre 376 3895 392 1082 Maxwell Realty trilewild Pd 11 Acres $75on 131 993 Anytime O'Shields Real's SPIER 22 Acre Spread' Ekcelient riAStkirP And farmland bordered by stream PI 11S modern brick ranch-style home lust I years old Foreplaced livMq room rArrle Canadian cedar dendimno kitchen with CE htultIns hrov ofte bedrooms 2 full baths Future rP(1ght basement Smal tion nom bedrooms in tiO dayli lAke barn 528 9s0 Oakdale Rd (-)" miles to downtown OH for intnr mation Ploy It Cool with the luxurY of central a CCnriitineihQ A wAndprf summer tOr the whole family This NNifie NA loving room richly non elect den with fireplace oPening onto small terrace 1 bedrooms 1 hsthc pretty kitchen High 100 200 lot Don't miss this at lust S16950 iwemlent financing Lynn Lee Li cle Little Cutie Pie beAutfullv Sept void hrrk horor With 2 henroors nire ronehrn sgOsroonhtkcitrhneo11 rb6oncrhtapl'- thAn rent CA11 for InrAttort Country SquIre' Ili one In tnis verv I rncir11torpr7d26ctonosrah ft r1thfrrerrIntArs1 eIrr tr hen IA roe paeifiiii den 0Ith fronlAre noemna onto Thr lArne Ordroorrs (frarrir Ad)h APvftPo 00 Prk corn At S74 a Rronie Medallion Wncled Acres Attrsctive brsed hew Sis lit desionent by srchited hi own Piton includes' center entry toyer livinh them exhuisit terms diming room Pretty mo siielertrit kithen I hertreems 7 7 MA Atti tarn recretihn mom is dAnelnd hAnd Uhhed perish And PIA heArtn firenlACA mei lihrsry helve eiseeirth ontn ristin FleCtriC best extriss sieeiled acrrAno reAr Sil ter 3 ittt niso A SPEIR INC 0EA ToRs ftS 375-0871 anytime' 'Our 20th RANCH TYPE 15S50 1-4 hcirnoms I' r7 hAh ri And 111r ACti10' 1P -1P 110 200 Wr10-11 11 A tiAr twe skJIrbAn IIP I Der PtA 701 CornellA r) t1 to A Arvtmp 0 frppIM AtI MARSH 1376-0281 211 cni Noht And weekend DM4326 1331889 Open 2 :30 6 TOWN PARK 6220 ELMWOOD CIR JUST OFF PPE EDOM DR Entraoch hall hVing room break fact roormk Itchrm combination vAry clFm or fpmilv room 3 frirooms 2 full bmths doublp car3 veer nlet Pefect cendtion Very lerie Int S22 trn ALSO 1 hrd nrw enmnc on t-inererd rco tIreirorms reel 1 rt Prcori from SIR1CO S17 7S0 Finencno eyellable eI enmes CLANTON 171254P niaht 1171A49 (SA Renity Inc sr it fnr hnmos in UMf1n COUntV Oovo now hevros no A I NCC And Harrlqwro 314-AAA6 137 R111 'PE 2:30 5:30 5JhUrhAn Ivin werl thn your budnot Alit' Active brick on wooded Int Firencp in living room And drn seoarate bedrooms 1' bAthc oAvori drive oArAcie SON Nnvn Drop by and chAt with Fred Irwin MARY RYDER REALTY 366-5036 CON1EMPORARY IN THE COUNTRY Beautful wooded land a sprawlino ranch nth handsome den that ha cathedral cellino and wonderful clerestory windows larde room separate dming room pane'ed kitrhen 3 bedrooms 2 baths $27 000 Codarhrook Dr TOUCHBERRY Realtnr 334-A6418 MLS Providence Rd at Marvin Rd 16'7 ACRES Ideal wooded site for an estate Has large well stocked lake DIRECTIONS Out Providence Pd Hwy 16 oast Weddinoton to first naved road on riiht Prnorrtv southwest corner Front 546 sn ft on Hwy IS and 1378 on Marvin Rd GENE SMITH 334-5353 anytime! REALTOR MLR STEP OUT BACK DOOR (etch Some Fish Lake at Beck Pretty Cnuntry Setting A top notch brick home with 3 bedrooms 2 heths SPWina room or office dining room den patio lots of cabinet nace fireplace cerport Better see this one it's real honey for the money Price S21950 Grove Perk 6 acre wooded lot Call Ed Christ-men to see Odes JACK SPIERS AGENCY 376-7431 Reeltor MLS Niohts and Sundav Cell 3661760 361-2309 523-0242 WI LDWOOD Open Sun 2-5 3 bedroom hrick coloniel Built-ins walnut OfinelPfi kitchen And den 2 bAths denim carnort storege Situated on Woe lot thick with pines 519900 Colonial Realty 332-4239 HOME Pt US 4 ACRES Pretty 3 bedroom 12 bath hornr with carport 4 acrns of land siA500 Can assume loan RARBRE REALTY Co 1200 The Plaza 334-3049 531-5451 0 SMITH A HOMES -caturing NATURAL GAS Heating and Hot Water Heating! HOPE VALLEY Open Today 1 pm Dark! 4 ''4 100': 'It '44-: 10 '''I4- i at" i 1 v' ''41ti I fk44 -0- vt ww 1--e 1: V11s i --a ii i 1 i-41 1 4'21 0 r''' 1 -k 45441 i': 9:4 :::1 rferto: ic At: "1 e'flitimik): 4ge 5X' ii s'at 4'''t 5- 4532 Belle Plaine 3 spacious bedrooms 113 ceramic tile baths lovely kitchen family room combination all built-in appliances nicely landscaped ooded lot concrete drive quality construction throughout any type financing available ot only S17750 OTHER SECTIONS OPEN Kilborne Acres Central Park Priced $20000 to $25000 Lovely selection of new 3 and 4 bedroom models just being completed 2-4 and 5 bedrooms 2 212 and 3 Prices start from $18000 to $25000 baths Out Central Avenue to 4700 Out Central Avenue to 4600 block left block left into Central Park into Kilbourne Acres GRIFFIN REALTY COMPANY 537-4254 ED SYMBOL or BETTER ro 0 LIVING SYMBOL OF A HOME WITH Z7)ED A Two kinds of energy two fuels let you benefit from the best features of both A balanced owoer home is a better buy toria a better imestment for years to come PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS COMPANY.
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