Furnished. Central air-heat, carpeted, drape. 1610 Leo Si. Unfurnished, 6031 Polk Street, near Hollywood off 441. 9294996 No children, no pet.
Brand new one One or bedrooms. Air conditioned. TRUMPETS C'sr-es Tromtomi WVITFn F'fcve $45 up Oboo 195 SiaOoncnei i'i A-ie-cnn f-ver Beautiful puppies. 1 1 temperament for childran Unique family Hock. 195.
987-9049 t-a ni. L.onoi any na. ON THE BEACH Fjrn thed 1 bevlroom piut aen pool Season $1,800. N. Ocean ni Hbllywood Apt.
7 two bedroom apartments. Carpeting, itove, frost-tree refrigerators, i3uniry room. Assigned parking. Downtown 933 4567. cam 987 THREE piece loetionali nil Ueitip -T arbage disposal.
SE Hollywood. Coll oo Coioo organ ana tar r.xj 'l tun-no 983 37C. NEED PIANOS any we o' 9J rVMfli from $79.95. Couch al vinyl 922 I2-H27: 977-4191 BEAUTIFUL furnished I bedroom apt. Jan I to April 1st.
Club house, peel, sauna. 927-5200 70-A-PEKSON TO PERSON IARGAINS now m.t3. mcnarai Furniture SHERIDAN Lakes, 2 bedroom. 2 bath, furnished house all focilities- MODERN APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM I BATH 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH Central Air Hoot tat n. mwrnl Highway.
Dania. modtl. BRAND new 2 bedroom, all ao-plionce. central hoot I. Air, tmall children considered.
5290 SW 90th Pay caih. 651-4178 or 68! dub house-pool. Call 983-7407 1041 NEW unfurnished I bedroom apart. ment. Yearly.
1 bedroom fumithod, season. Call after I pm. 922-7616 MOLLY BUYS FURNITURE SPACIOUS 2 bedroom 2 bath Way, Cooper City. Wall to Wall Carpeting Dear Ptlly I hope my Pointer will help remove the beautifully fern, shed apartment GOYA Acoustical guitar. With hoavy duty cost.
$200 or but offor. Cail 917-4111 or 9114300. Ask for Stove. tions from $1154199 Best locoti CHESTS-BEDS-DESKS central o.r I heat, ideal location 947-341 923-4054 BEDRMS. -DINETTES 9JJ7705 grease and discoloration from the grids on their waffle BEAUTIFUL rtdocorotod patio, near Seasonal, adults only.
After 5, 923 furnished apartment heat, parking, everything. I 0 Roattnobit. 1274840 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Cor. 28th Pierce St. CHAR-BEN APARTMENTS All articles under this classification are offered for salt by pri.
vate owners' and ore priced not to exceed a total of $25 per ad. To poet your ad ust call 927-42' I ana usk for on ad taker. iron. Make a paste of baking soda and water. aDDlv with $180 KING tin foam beds, all new, from $69.95.
Hellywoad bed from Beach neighborhood. BOGEN FMAM 15 Watt receiver with Speaker with Fisher Dynamic Space eapander $75 00. 923-2744 brush and allow this to remain on for 20 to 30 minutes For this modest rent, a two bedroom aoartment in a conveniently located new, rww cavort, fa.fi ooch. Parmleo top I Dion dinette Mtt all LOOK LOOK FURNISHED CONDOMINIUM A 2 bed room 2 bath, located east then wipe or brush off. The iron will have to be Dreseason UPRIGHT piano and bench.
Newly FURNISHED I bedroom apart. ment. Season or yearly leas. CI) to everything, 1949 Fillmore Street. 927-916 Beautiful 2 bedroom iy bath ape ment now available.
1 1 location. Walkina durance elevated building, which feature hm, Tram iM.n. Richard Furniturt. retimshod. Moving, must sell.
$295. MB N. Federal Highway, Dania. 923-2377 carpeting, pool, recreation storane. -722: 827-05M Federal Hiahwav in Hollywood Hollywood Sheoolne mat, call at'ei FREE Dalmatian, 5jM 983152 EIGHT Drum set.
like new transportation and Geifcourse. Many ed with unsalted cooking oil or fat before attempting to bake more waffles. MRS. G.N. Dear Girls Never immerse a waffle lm la water tr nse strong abrasives.
A stiff wire brash is good far remov eiionishED er unfumidved regular 1500. will sell S2S0. Cornet Quality furniture, color TV' reference needed. Only $2500 til May 1st Call Pearl ZucLerman, 922-4261 NEW Beautifully furnithed effioency-apartmont. $908 season-also luxurious I bedroom apartments.
2400 Lee St. Miramar Furniture Co. CLOSEOUT SALE bedroom, I bath apartment. Ytarh $20. Phone 581-1469 ranta Freih water pool.
Al CH'lDS losco Tje.e and 2 chairs $'f. Ik snake Bienaette $5. Han dryer Si Phon, GORDON D. PHONE rEMJEK rnnceron Amp. HQ.
or utilit.es included on IntqKoattal tea furi, including 1 1 carpeting, air-heat, etc By pointment only. JERRY LAMPERT 11S HARRISON ST. trodt on Bass Guitar. Call 919-1151 On floor 'model and one of a kind McMANN 929-2366 ing cranus or any wirnefl oil that eUag to the Im- waterway lacing 1 122-2403 Cail LUXURIOUS, ont bedroom apart. ment.
Unfurnished. P00L -Mayflower Apt. 1857 Jefferson St. Hollywood. mediate occuooncv xik conainoner tor Lorvair cor.
Complete. Good condition. $25. 981- vamnenea wect wool couu he carefully ised to remove REALTOR 1H5 WILEY ST. trom AM to PM.
Sofat, Chain, Lampi, Tobies. Dm tfti, bedding, Dmmg'room suits, ire. Brand nam quality furniture at saving uo 50 Tfrmi available REALTOR 972-1523 JU3J nFLUXE I bedroom, furniehed. badly burned bits bat this also necessitates a preseason ing. The unseasoned oil or fat used can be trolled with i NEAR EVERYTHING 7t APARTMENTS' FOR RENT air REFRIGERATOR treezer A-l $15.
2337 Fumort Street. Seasonal or yearly, neat ana 2S9I S. Stato Rd. 7 983 44 HALLANDALE. 623 NE 5fh St.
Nice-ly fumithod I bedroom duplex. Also efficiency. Sea sop tr yearly. Spacious. 2 bedroom loco- conditioning, pool.
Downtown pastry brash. Close iron and heat at a low temperature for carpeted, control air-heat. Un 989-835. SALE OR RENTAL furnished. On ground floor.
Adullt SEASONAL DIX.E artsiir oi ot'fet, modern wain.il, $25. Cail 321 NE 2nd LOurr. Dania on CHILDREN, pet welcome. 1 2 bedroom aoartmtnti. Furnished or YEAR END SALE FLOOR MODELS DEMONSTRATORS ONE OF A KIND SAVINGS 10 to 30 BOBB'S PIANO ORGAN "We scecalje in colors" 304 Hal'anaole Blvd.
Lease. SITS month. KINGS eigni or if mmuies aim urn remove any excess fat with paper towel. POLLY IMMACULATE, luxurioul, bedroom apartment. By QUEENS Apartments 2411 Polk St New.
beautifully furnished Roll-away cats, Hollywood bodi, cribs and baby furniture, wo alio ront by tht day, wMk. month, or ytar. Fro 2400 Etfic-tncics, by week or SMALL Magnus' Chord Groan. $10. unfurnished.
Pool, elevator, oirpoting, fenced in playground. Out Apt. 20. oedroom apartment. No Pts.
2212 Let St. Store tamoy exerfsor j-tjj. phone Lee. Apt. No.
5. 966-0077. ONE bedroom apartment-furnished. Polly's Problem OAVIE: New building, walk to mm hedroom not. taltlfjllv Pick-up and delivery JACK'S FURNITURE 3031 Harmon St.
93-3531 door patio ana bartwque. Near everything. From $175 monthly. Golden Turf Apt. 110 SE 2nd St.
Hallandale. 927-734. WATERFRONT DELUXE Air, hoot, near cveryining Seasonal. No children or pets. 21 Von Buron.
923419 REDLINING chair with i.p cover $'5 Coil 961.2052. 1221 N. 57th Ave. furnished. Air-heat, Infant, small pet okay Yearly lease.
$16 per month. Convertible 2 bedroom, 2 ban Furnished. Until May. No children BEAUTIFUL one bedroom apart. TWO bedrooms I bath, walk Open Eves.
9 Sat. to 5.3-3 Nova Lake APIS. SUM SW IBI 301. WALNUT baby bod, never used $25. Cail 83-: 169 ment.
Seasonal. Close to beach. OLD Foihionod children's icnool type desks, unfinished or decorative eoi-o-i $5 ft $10. Call 929-5174 Khool and shopping. $175 0054.
KRAMER REALTY, INC. The Kentuckion. 302 SW 15th St. Dear Polly I have a plate rail around my dinning room and have tried displaying plates and also my nice glasses but did not like the looks of either one. I was soon tired of them.
Hope some readers can give me new ideas for decorating of using these rnsiPi FTELV furnished, air-noat. Dania. Realtor 2014 Harrison St. ana bedroom apartments, of. DOUBLE dressert, Phillppmt BOV 20 Poio bicycle eiceilan: condition.
With new banana sea, h.gh-nse bars $20. 987-5549 S4 IADIOS TV HI-FI yearly, with security. TOLZ TOLZ Real Estate 1220 S. Federal Hwy. Don la 922.3525 Eve.
929-6775 mahopjonv and Formica top, note iiicjtociti Weekly-monthly-seasonal 925-4545 eves. 923-2014 STEREO rock $19.95 toch. Studant desks DELUXE APARTMENTS AT PRE-SEASON RENTS Otf US I HaHondalt. Tir-nr. GOOO tilt back couch.
$25. 132 TWO apartment, beautifully ACROSS from Miramar Snapping $9.95. Richards Furniturt, 302 Federal Highway. Dania. street, v.j-jws or ra-jvTO piate rails.
juella. furnished. Air. Parking, Near rnr turmsnea efficiencies, air, Rebuilt-Guaranteed TV's Chrome bumper. ONE bedroom apartment, one or two persons.
Walk to town. 2021 Pierce. 923-2200 after 6. tracks-beach. Seasonal.
Available 0 GMC REAR, $25. 983-4889 heat, weekly, seasonal. New building. 1, 2, I bedroom apartment. Ont and two bath.
Con-iral hoot air. Ranga, rtfrfgoratar, dishwasher in tht 21 3 bedroom January 1st. 923-0930 SECTIONAL couch and covers Round Coffee table. Reasonable. IS $15.95 UP L01I 983-4991.
Dear Polly My little girl found herself a hobby that 6031 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. 919-9950 QUEEN ANN APARTMENTS. Brand YANKEE COME HEREI COCKTAIL dress, sze 10. aqua tor person 5 Worn once. $15.
Call 919-H98. apartments. Wall to wall carpet, hooted pool, assigned parking. Jut a haiaitalitv. Beer Garden.
costs absolutely nothing. She collects those wire twisties Deluxe Waterfront Apts. bedroom, furnished-unfurnished new. Adult only. $155 month, yearly.
$300 a month, seasonal. 1101 N. 22nd 970-1710 Mandon Apartment Motel. 1725 few remaining. Coil newi 0234133.
Adams Information, reservation Central air. carpeting, pool, club Egt Roatty Monagemont Co. Inc that come on bread bags and makes her own assortment of what she calls "Wire People." If I get a Polly Dollar SIMMONS H.9ata sola, condition. $25. 989-9601 922-6676 house, near shopping.
Yearly-season. Reg. Real Estate Broker DmuS. Yard Parodist by tht Sea, 250 Layne 1971" Color TV Consoles 23" As Low As S399.95 TV. CENTER, IMC.
225'. HOLLYWOOD BLVD. PHONE 923-2515 BRAND new 2 bedroom range. Air $180. On bedroom 584-2133, 54 291 SUBLET, 2 bedroom.
2 bath- IMi she will prooaoy want to buy more bread to get more Stove. KO. 2321 NW 70th Ave. Hollywood. Hallondalt.
927-1429 HARRY'S USED FURNITURE 2022 Harrison St. 929-1I(K We Pay The Highest Price FOR ALL YOUR FURNITURE Househod Items. Linens, loci CHINA. ANTIQUES ETC We Buy. Sell or Trade floor.
Hi-rise on ocean. Call Mr. wires. MRS. N.
P. D. Federal Hwy Hollywood. 922725 ONE bedroom furnished, prime loco Silverman, 925-0190 tion, seasonal, Sim. Call NEW deluxe one, two bedroom.
Un COCA Cola macn.ne. Gooa work ng condition. 24 bo'tle caoac 'y. 0aer tyoa. $25.
923-4693 EFFICIENCIES, one bod room FURNISHED. 2 bedroom apartment. Close to Gulfttroam race track, 947-1472 or 927-4562. furnished. AC moot, wrpero.
apartments. Monthly, weekly 72 OOGS, CATS, PETS fntilitial. 10 3. 71 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom apart seasonal. Attractive, clean.
Near 4)00. 44th Washington, noiiywoaa ment, carpeted, air conditioned hopping, church, 1723 Johnson, CARPETING. W.th paoaing. Red nyio" 13'. 1I.
ke new. $2S 961-2044 Hills. appliances, prime location. 2201 Van 973-4044 TWO bedroom apartment furnished. Yearly or seasonal.
No children. Near Young Circle. 1544 Jefferson St. 3 WOODS jcoversl I Irons, esq and Burtn, 923-3331, 977-4362. D-'NING room set.
MUST SELL. 1 morm did. RtosonoBlt. icelianeoks items. 923-9965 EIGHT puppies, mother German Shepherd from champion line.
Father Dobtrman, $10. 621-6988 anytime. LIVE ON BEACH BOYS 'bcvcle med'um i cjr ke new. $65. I43 Roaman S165 MONTH THRIFTY TV HOUSE CALLS TILL 0 PM 0EN SUN.
TILL 4 PM CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! TV STEREOS RADIOS. CA5SET TE PLAYERS, ETC. 966-5633. 6331 Johnson St. NEAR shoooina Golf Course.
jood cond on Needs I tt ca.nt. St 922-7794 Efficiencies and one bedroom. Large 1-2 bedroom. Yearly from 2 bedroom 1ft both, completely fii $15. 1834 ley St MINIATURE Schnouzers, AKC.
Beou- Weekly or seasonal. Call TWO bedroom 2 bath unfurnished, carpeting, near shopping, no! children. $200 month, yearly. Call 4 ELECTRIC tan. $15.
Stereo AM- $175. Request seasonal rate. V27-774I furnished, adults. Yearly Matt. Ptui FURNITURE BARGAINS tirui puppies.
Excellent tempera Yorker, 9274108 TWIN ord 'rams wtn ar springs. $1. 923 9696 NEW 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Furnished strum Realtor, 9Zi-za ment for Unique fomilv YOUNG CIRCLE LOCATION. Vary 922-77C5 PEMBROKE RD.
Private owner. Gulf Plaza FM rjd recoM changer, $75. Bed. doubt dresser, chest drawers J5. Twn beds, head-coaras, innei-jo-inn, matrress, $60.
stock. S95. 917-9049 FURNISHED, now 1 bedroom apart Seasonal. Far appointment, 981-043C. GOOD used coor TV sets large 1 oearocm ojwriirwiu, ment.
Wall to wall carpet, reverse AKC registered chocolate brown mim WAREHOUSE Salt-Ail TV. Dar'riMMfAri FrMriri. BEAUTIFUL 3'A rooms, completely fumithod, comfort of home, long season, $1500, 1943 Roosevelt St. a naui a air naai. awuwm 1 1 1 Guarontea $125 Inn TV 57C4 71 MISCELUNEOUS ONE 1 two bedrooms.
Weekly cycle air conditioning, convenient Vcja coitre tooie $20. Blue plastic oy noodles. Home raised, week, t23-tau, vnher. Ron Cond.i oners- Johnson St. 983-6010.
FOR SALE Monthly Yearly Seasonal. 998 location, season rental. fZV-siH can 3cea cnj: cho 5S3KT. eld. Call 919-2989 lfUk Saoeiauft S.
Federal Highway, Dania. anytime. 197! COLOR TV CONSOLE RUGS-a 'mess? Ctan 'or iess with eoranct Socca.s. Bankame' carm occto'ed. Pnn Furniture, 212 NW 4-h Ave.
Hailsndaie 3 monthi oid. $3 per week. Banti EiGHT puppies. Part white Huskia. 3 weeks eld.
$10. ooiece. Nice aft 2 bedroom mm, cwoui.nn livina roam. Florido room, oir hoot. DELUXE 2 bedroom 2 bath, air con Isle of Venice ditioned, heat, completely furnieh- BARGAIN CENTER STORE 5928 Hallandat Beach Bind.
-e Ls-'e Rent eiee'ric Foiaa Sweeper Exchange iC'i E. ancne Beach B'vd. SEASONAL YEARLY One bedroom, furnished or un. fumithod. 'Central air, heat, kitchen utilities, pool.
Adult. No pet. 315, Si Crescent Drive, 6840 Cody 961-1935 completely furnished. Season. 922-223 reoosiesi'On.
jrt Ma'h TV i.en er 35 S. Rd. 7, Ft. Lauoe-daii 584-08! 3 Nine Foot Bar With TV ed, year round. Use of pool, clubhouse, $300 monthly.
Coll 923-352 Deluxe 1 and 2 bedroom I and 2 baths, unfurnished, no pet, 275 BECAUSE of illness no help roducina kennel. Grown doas with Oaen Man thiough Sat. 9 to 6 GOLDEN SUNSET APTS. NEW j. REBUILT WATER Tat St.
979-3451; 972-7074i-927-0351 hFATFR LEAR Jet 8 'reck s-ereo taee track. Box saunas and mart i esses trum $5. Like new. Must sell. 966-3081 Chests, $10 up.
Retngtiators. $15; Wa n-ut Form.ca. Elegant. Originally $430. Price $'50.
Mscelloneous shots reasonable. Poodles Mnlral AC 2 BEDROOMS Chihuahuas. Terriers. Dachshunds. ONE bedroom TuVmtned.
Ytar BROWARD WATER HEATER CO. CALL 563 8333 rnrmt. TV outlet, oool. Yearly. No 71-A EFFICIENCIES 823 N.
Soum Lane Drive 4r White TV Stereo and wothns trom 1.0. A. Sata IIS Carnfi mhiai New, largo unfurnished. $170 month, leas no pet. 927-5511.
(-10 AM 01 Fenced yard p'easa. Wog-N-Tail, LU children or pels. After 5 PM 987-9610 yearly. Responsible adult only. No iuj offer 7 PM.
1 i. .7 amas. solas and cho.rs all ot.WROJGHT l-an A.jmn, LARGE 3'A room furnished. $1500. pets.
2212 Lee St. Apt. 1 964077 MINIATURE Schnouzers. Come see WANTED 1989-6566 af-er'6 jjargu puces. O.er 1.000 items i Fum turf F3Cfory Wholesale HRIlILl 989-6566.
col or or 6. moose from. P-ces. Vsf 3 750 Long season. Hotel room, na DAY or week.
No pet or children." Call in AM, 9294434 Con-1 LAKE FRONT furnished 1 bedroom our beautiful bearded babies. AKC oliances. S700. Adults. No pets.
I Good Used Furniture, Stoves, 1965 CURTiS-MATMIS null rri I THlNr iRaveniwsod Rood F. Lauderdale. DMU Cn I THinC laveniwaod Kooa t-. Lauaerda la-stored. Champion stock.
Phone venitnt location. James Apartments. BUT JLLL InAUt jOo" 1 Sunaay. 523-9993 tnicioncy. woman eniy.
vicimcy now Zayrt's. 5 SW loth Avt. Hallan condition, blond cabinet, $65 firm. Retnaerators. WANTED ANNUAL TENANTS Wil-ITVI Rear apartment, 1715 Thoma t.
409 N. 14h hoiiywood. JO-LIN HAS EVERYTHING A charming coxy place IS roam All furnished, acre of gardens, ooul shuffleboard table tennis, adjacent qulf, laundry free grocery delivery directly on busllnt. dale. NEW AND USED MALTESE Pup AKC, Adorable i RUGS, beige, sizes 23x12, 13x12 Van lZa 4a.
End taole. 927- TWO bedroom apartment, furnished, We Buy Soil Furniture Appliances PENN FURNITURE 22 NW 4ft, Ave. Hallandale 93 7391 FURNISHED bedroom and ef Tiny wh'te ball of fluff. Nice Five minute distance to Young Circle Shopping. Mall nearby.
Furnished studios. Redecorated. Air. heat. ZENITH oortoBie TV 21 very good condition.
See at 2211 St: Furniture Appliances air-heat, adults, no pet, 5458. 929 S206 ficiencies. Season SKO Yearly to dsposit-on 9 week. 9454893. beach.
923-224L month. First and hut. Utilitie In Ca.i 96'-3EC Arranqea pool. Reasonable. 1738 Washington.
MALE purtfartd Persian silver tipped NEW SPECIAL WALK Diplomat Mall track. cluded. Matilda Su Apartments. 6032 THREE TiOOM APTS. Living PROVACIAL headboards.
Tab lamp. P'Cture. Transistor batter-. 2 dnette chs.rs. Radios, oot- 6-H cot, year std.
Friendly. S50. COMPLETE bed suite; 2 night I'ands, dresser. In very good condition. Reasonable.
Call 922-3276 c.raidiarf 1 7 bedroom, week Pierce. 923-205 bediuom full sxod kitchen, dintttt Phone 987-5398 FREEZER Uprght and Chest. 2721 Hollywood vd. 727 8486. Saaun 611 NE 2nd Court.
Hallon LARGE efficiency apartment for1; ront November and December; Chalet Apartments, 74 N. 19th Avenue. Zenith Color TVs. Models 10-1971. Save up to $200.
Dennis Appliance. 2721 Hollywood Blvd. 927-8486. FURNISHED 2 bedroom 1 both, central air-heat. Adult, no pet.
dalt. 923-9369. AKC Doberman. Malt, 5 month bath, pool. STUDIO EFFICIENCY APTS.
Living Female, 2 year. $100. 981-6542 Monthly or yearly. 940-1717 SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED TV. Zenith console madei.
20 black MALIBU-HEATED POOL nana room, bedroom combination. fu'. RECLlNER, $30. Sony Cassette taoe recorder, cost $119, sell $75. New slarm clack $6.
Zenith rele of sound stereo rod laoe nivi- (tQfl ST. BERNARDS. AKC. Excellent ALMOST new Mediterranean 42" Octagon dininq room set, 4 tall black leather choirs, 2 leaves. '42" Credenia.
siatt top. End tobie pius special designers lamp. Pair cocktail fables 22" square. Aparoximately 70 ONE bedroom oarage ed kitchen, dinette, bath, pool. "Crin9i niPm" 1970 2d, sm.
927-1841 blood line. II montth old. I mait. N. 22nd $1300.
120 Seasonal o'der. sewmg machines. Nationally od- aim nwiwii a. YEARLY SEASONAL One bedroom Pull kitrhan. 1 female.
989-3347 Avenue. 922-3035 NOW RENTING Studio efficiency apartment. Pur. hi shed, carpeted, utilitie Weekly-Monthly. 1629 Wilton St.
Hollywood. COMPACT BACHELOR APTS. For ivtrtised brand with full factory1, i'em nc'a na NOVA BJC area. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, or 2 persons, private bath, mvd carpeting, air, heat. Walk to (hop- an yas.
powatr Diue carpeting, win rCTAIIAklT f. ivrifiu for mi.cv uia. Call 9 to 12: sTSSTAUKAPIT HAPPINESS is a warm pupoyl Buff, AKC. cocker soanie's, 7 weeks, shots, reasonable. 983-0623.
strvict pool. air-hoot, refrigerator, carpet ping, near l-n. nauirt, in tmim, guarantee $29 each. Or, 961-2750 monthly payments. Thu mochmei (may be inspected in warehoust 0r31 carpet.
9'A Unclaimed Fre.aht. 2001 US G001 e'ean, moth or alter 5, 9117483 I EAR EQUIPMENT Yearly. No pet. 587-6477 juaur ve-aT THREE rooms fully Conveniently located. I NEW 1 bedroom apartment.
Un JO-LIN APARTMENTS MCTEL i RESIDENTIAL CLU'i 2634 Johnson St Phono 92-I46S 1 I i. Sou. Ft. Lauderdale, Monday thrM. rM -al 929.5477.
Dan a G00DY'5 APARTMENTS SIX month old German Shepherd female, all shots, tag oapen. Well trained. $150. Call 922-1268 furnished. Wall to wall carpeting, ICE-MAKING MACHINES NEW decorated.
Private entrance. Yearly! or seasonal. 929-9983 c' oaf 9-6 Saturdays 9-5. stove, refrigerator. Reverse cycle air 1 hedroom.
1 both, furnished or MOVING Nar'h. Must sc'l-Televsion. "i o.r cand noner, lamp, LuL, 11. QIC conditioning. 1731 W.
Acapulco Dr, DRAPES VALANCES Ua 'o 50i scount tor cash BEER SODA POP COOLERS Gioss Or a doar refnoera'O'S WALK-IN COOLERS FREEZERS Spero Factory Saies 929-1724 Miramar. 93-9113 unfurnished, 01 conditioned, parting Waik to shopping. 923-0080 or 922-4651 BEDROOM, bath, kitchtnettt, air conditioned-heat. St pa rate en uvv niwu. REGESTERED Schnauztr pup.
6 weeks aid. For sol at private home. Call 987-1581 9'0 AFTER CHRISTMAS Cash Carry Furniture CLEARANCE SEASONAL, new, beautifully fumith trance. Season. 93-743; 981-4443 CLOSE to downtown, one and two TWO large pa nt.nns.
31 7 od. I bedroom. 11500, Long season, MADE FOR MODEL HOME Many caltrs and s-zet, also i.tservt roll fabrics at 'It regular puce. 6244V52 or o24 4057 bedroom apartment, efficiencies Close to everything. Call 9Z7-4W AKC, German Sheoherd Puooies male.
$40. Females $35. Color-Sable. Must sell 974155 ONE 6 Deli Case 6 months oia. 927-5798 or 926-3740 and sleeping rooms.
Day, week, drower dresser. sell cheap. Call between 8 10 AM. 5-6 evenings. FURNISHED, pool, half block to golf, Utilitie Included.
Quiet and private. Week, month, season. 927- month. Seasonal. Call 922-2732 FURNISHED bedroom apartment GOLD brown tweed run 10x20.
$60. with utiHtie. Air conditioning, heat, 737. FURNISHED bedroom apartment FRIGIDAIRE relrigerator Good. Til Hciiywcod Blvd.
9i7. 3486. Bra.dea rjg $12. Made coffee tab'e 57 AIRCONDITIONERS TV, Seasonal. Inquire! Sun Ranch with utilities.
Air conditioning. 72A PET CARE It SUPPLIES BRAND NEW Deluxe Rental LAS BRISAS SOUTH 1735 DEWEY ST. (Eoit of U.S.l) WALK TO SHOPPING 1 BEDROOM I BATH 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH CENTRAL AIR, ALL ELECTRIC 515. Maale bed, soring, mattress $20. Motel.
627 NE 7th St. Hallandale. Wt art QOinq to move ail our present lot. TV. Seasonal.
Inauirti Sun $25. inest JiO. 2 wrought WELCOME SNOWBIRDS Beer Garden. Bedroom rooms, efficiencies. Weekly, monthly, season.
Maridan, 1725 Adams, 922- Ranch Motel. 622 NE 7th St. Hallan CLEAN, one bedroom, furnithed inventory. New Furniture coming in every day. Everything an Salt must DOG Grooming All Breed rm IU nil H.uH 1.r M.
CARRIER dale. apartment. Weekly, yearly $50. K'tchen A.d portable $65. Reasonable Prices.
Ft. Lauderdale Dix.e, HaHanaale Battery, 209 N. 6676 seasonal. Adult, no pet, 6204 Dewey SPACIOUS 3 room furnished apart W7-2627 kt new. 12.000 BTU.
Reverse. $80 be sold rtqardless of price. CREST FURNITURE MART 927-3646. St. 99-297 Hoiiywood.
Pick up Delivery 981-1656; 927-1505 ment accommodate 4, all utilities, 2721 Hollywood Blvd. 927 -1416 VARIOUS miscellaneous items for TV. mill Btach, $1000 long season WEEKLY NEAR YOUNG CIRCLE Furnithed Studio. Air. heat, TV oool.
Serviced. 1738 Washington. 927. Guaranteed. RANGES electric.
Good. Cheap. 2T2I Hoiiywood Blvd. 927-8486. sale.
Including bedroom set, 2414 S. Stat Rd. 7 961-2002 SEASONAL 979-1339 GROOMING LESSONS etc. A'l reasonable. 922-8652 afte- 6.
8823 HOLLYWOOD Btach, Oceanviow Two bedroom 1 oath, duplex, clean. PATIO furniturt I table 4 chairs olid aluminum scroll, Bedroom 51 SEWING MACHINES apartments, 309 Polk St. Furnished furnished, new appliance, convenient NEW efficiency. Very dean; very DISCOUNT better brand dtsses. New 30C5 Jonnson Stree'.
Hollywood. 4 ocks tost Memorial Hospital 961-2266 5612 SW STREET. Hollywood location. 9Z9-Z404 nice. Utilitie included.
922-6116. 227 chest of drawers with mirror-Bassttf. Will sacrifice. Coll 913-7584 At last a much needed school In which to learn to groom your pet properly. Expert licensed teacher.
PET GROOMING $7.50 up. Free THE BARGAIN SHOP THAT'S; apartments, efficiencies, mo I rooms. Longhy winter stason SW 13th St. Dania. KITCHEN, SCREENED PATIO, from $170.
927-7025 DIFFERENT. WED THURS. FRIDAY. 9-6 SATURDAY Christmas-New Year family rate. NICE 1 2 BEDRM APTS SINGER TOUCH SEW Repossessed.
Wt tell for banks and oickup-delivtry. 9734859 After April yearly rental. 923-3073 OCEAN MIST FAST, excellent ta-ior, moch nt; Zig-Zag. 2 dressmaker coilaasiOle dress forms. Bahoma couch.
Reasonable. Hausehold G'fts, 981- Air conditioned. Furnithed and' un WROUGHT Iron aluminum Furniture. Factory Wholesale Prices. Visit Showroom.
3 7 5 0 Ravenswood Ft. Lauderdale. Open Saturday Sunday. 523-9993 4382 SEASON. One bedroom fumithod apartment.
Pool, Walll carpet, air furnished. 275 SW 6th Court. Ft. Louderdale. Alio.
4701 SW 22nd Efficiency apartment. Air and heat. Parking, fishina. Nice patio. 1500 N.
927-2M3 loan company s. Sold for $419.95. In 4 drawer Sesk. Unpaid balance $89.95. Portable $59.95.
Bobbin fills SIMMONS hospital bed with chrome 73 HORSES, MULES, CATTLE conditioned-heat. Off street parking. -Off Griffin Rd. 9(9-1913. Ocean Drive, Hollywood.
siderails and trim. Like new. $100. COLOR TV. $95.
Chevy Junior car, unused $500. Hammond Organ WALK TO EVERYTHING 929-7207 automatically under needle. Easy LARGE 3'A rooms, furnished. Hotel WhiHpool wringer type washer. Excellent condit on $65.
922-4974. terms. We deliver. Stan Sewing IM3!) $700. Couch $75.
aettumdiftr EFFICIENCY. Furnished. Air-heat:" Utilitie Included. 2211 Cleveland Bank, (happing, theater wnn XKiiKiru.HB. uni mils PAINT and Palomino mon YEARLY-ON BEACH with center, 1204 S.
Dixie Hwv. 922-2378. $15. Movie camera $20. 929-154 UNEMPLOYMENT forced ths family to move north.
Returned four rooms full of practically new-quality- furniture. A beaut ful living room outfit with accessories, in-cudmg a tilt-back sofa that sleeps 9253513 GAS 1 pace herit-. Excellent Con- f.ily by hcr Side. $400. 966-3691 restaurant, 1 bed room, swimming pool, sauna, levator rovers cycl ATTENTION Morel-Apartment en, Call 927-0117 1970 AUTOMATIC Z3 Zag portable or console, brand new, never used.
Leases for 1 and 2 bedroom apartments (children Pet). Studio EFFICIENCIES. Utilitie included. 1 rwm acaan. lonvvniam maim.
Weekly Monthly season. Jam Apt. 1715 Thomas. Inquire roar an caan air. yearly rental unmrnitnea, aouiis Near snooping.
Must see. '5960 Oriainollv $159.95. Left on Lay-a-way. owners, ail individuals. Beds Desxs.
Drapes, Pictures, Plaques. Reasonable onces. 9474417. ELECTRONIC equipment 7' oicilloscoc. co liatul Generator only, no pit, trom 16D Mo.
apt. $160 up. First, last ft security inviw 73 HORSES; MULES, CATTLE Mayo St. Corner Stato Rd. 7.
961-51 wo, and a matching chair; a master I Mull Mil far unclaimed balance of 975-0943, 9774402 bedroom; a ipa'e bedroom NEW I bednaam ooortmont acre $39.50. Cash or terms arranged. Call tube -nckerp iors of par's A amer miscellaneous equipment. $125. 966- f.ve-pitce dintttt.
P.ck up this NEED fine apartment? Just pock from Broward Junior Col lege. Con EFFICIENCY 1727 Pierce St. Ideal. Bachelor apartment. Private en LINGERLONG II 1100 NE lit CI.
Hallondalt 99-5210 Mr. Hail, Credit Manager. 525-0364 18S5 trol air-heat. Carpeting. Frost trot clothe, buy groceries, move in 1 bedroom apartment.
Fully furnished. CARPETING AT A LOSS Due to aeath in family must unload 1 ra-ls of carpeting. Sacrifice. 925-2412 bargain for amount due, $335! Terms may be O'rangea Call Mr. Elliott.
Credit 524-8594 trance. Season-Monthly. 923-2200 after PM. GELDING genrle, $150. Filly, gentle 17 month.
$150. Set at 361S SW refrigerator, soli cleaning range. SINGER DIAL-A-MATIC REPOSSESSED Air. TV. Adult, no per.
Yearly lease itoosal. Rod and drooes. Storage 52nd Avt. Hollywood. er seasonal.
92Z-1019 EFFICIENCY apt. Season $700. LIVESTOCK and Laundry. 54-420; 1AM-5PM. MEN'S XL and King iiz pants I ONE Mart, 7 year old, $250, Ap- UHlltie Included.
927.553 MUST sell. Three complete rooms of furniture, Reawood lawn set. $350. Good condition. Call 9224441 REAL Private, Furnished, 1 TRAILERS FOR RENT shirts, Pants King.
380 S. Stat Rd. 7. Next to Hopkins-Smith. bedroom, carport, air conditioned MODERN, newly furnithed Ha built in decoratvt stitches.
B'lnd sf-tch. bu'tonnoles Buttons. Lkt new. Cne year guarantee and instruct on. Sod new for $329.
Assume aavments of $6.60 or $66 cash. 945- One and two bedrooms. Weekly or msnthlv. Near Gulf stream. Lew paloosa gelding, 4 year old, $250.
On Paint more with 3 month old Filly, both $250. All gentle. 9874425 close in, on bu lino. Z4tti Ave. wall-wall Shoa carpet, air con 72 DOGS, CATS, PETS Roosevelt St.
Seasonal. 53-8272. 54- AAA VACUUM CLEANERS Hoover Eiectroiux Rtbuiits. Al regular rate. Len Trailer Park, 301 ditioned, pool, $125, utilitjtt ificfuded, 929-083 5404 FRENCH Provincial antique wnit.
Desk, step lamp tab'e. Round dininq table. 4 chairs. High arm- chair, occasional chairs. Lamps.
651-1869 TWO largo box Hall, paddock and SE Irh at. Hollandoit: fu-wn 4233 makes. Reooiri. Parts. 5718 MARLO APTS 3500 POLK ST.
FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED APTS 989-3030 Sorry No children er pets ONE bedroom apt. unfurnished, $135. 09EDIENCE training. All breeds. FURNISHED.
TUB BATH. IN riding ring. Beautiful pasture, Rocking Rose Ranch, 587-9727 Washington. 983-7102. SEASONAL -YEARLY TOWN.
SEASON ONLY. 923-2826. month yearly, first last month, Private lessons at. home or school. EW pool vacuums w.th 30x17, BEAUTIFUL Tennessee f'dino horse MACHINERY K-9 Inc.
1771 i. Pork Hallan On Golden Lake. One bedroom and Na children or pet. 11 McKJnley St. Apt.
no. 10. 929-6033 MUST sell 2 beautiful peach coiar couches or sect orial. Curved eegt. $35 each.
923-3117 NICELY furnithed efficiency apart host. Buy direct from gelding. Excellent for pleasure or dale. 966-7300, 989-1505. manufacturer.
Price $29.95. 983-9155, two bedroom, two bath. Will accept child or email pet. All luxury con ment, uhiitie included, rent reasonable. Flip Two Motel tram tor show.
Call 923-1659 kEicnun unuruiv vstADiv YORKSHIRE pup. AKC. Medium sit FRENCH Provincial sofa and eha.r.-PORTABLE welder. $450. See of 510 THREE brand new bedroom sets Bright, cheerful I bedroom com 507 SW 25th Street, (2 blocks east REGISTERED half Arabian mar.
male. $100. 9234974. before iiav. venience.
Call 979-7221 973-757. mciud.ng riaubit dresser with mir pletely furnished apartment. Newly Like new. $100. 2 large red lamps nc- 1st Avt.
Ha'ianaait or call Coll 981-2286 Flashy, trained English and er i 1 CHRISTMAS puppies, AKC Poodles, nar'tfot. Fvraliant nflaari aiar anri THE CARLTON HOUSE Western. Perfect comfor motion. Raf- decorated. Quiet, "lovely yard.
Near everything. Off street parking. Ideal LARGE, clean furnished ror, cnest and douo.e bed. Wt nave three living room group's. Unclaimed Fmaht.
2X1 US 441 S. f.ts line. Bay, 581-7136 BRAND NEW quality. Sacrifice. 961-6797 Quiet residential area.
Near shop TWO lounrjt chairs, green and gold iX each. One 88" sofa, gold. Al foam, $75. 923-6595 couples, m-wm template kitchen, adults, no pet, ombardier Motel Aaartments. -SPORTS EQUIPMENT Ft.
Lauaerda thru Friday. ping. Facing Gett court. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, small pet ac 2223 Washington. 9-0.
aoturaavs. 74FISH I. SUPPLIES Apartments, Etncionciev season on-i and GREAT DANE PUPS AKC, Champ.on bred. Fawn Bnndli. Call 981-757 UNFURNISHED.
2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. Ajr conditioning. On In-tracoaital. On block to- Hollywood TWO room. Near Young Circle.
IV70 STEREO conio'ei with AM- LIVING room et. French Gold blue. Good Even-Ing. 5400 Hollywood Blvd. Apt.
5. 22-994 153 POLK ST. Snapping. Private Separate cepted. CIRCLE APTS.
345 S. Circle Dr. Hollywood Hill FM radio. $88. Term available.
Unclaimed Freight, 2301 US 441 delta tailed; GUPPIES. fancy red GUNS, Buy. Sel, Trade. Bring this od for discount. 38 special reloads $1.75 box plus brass.
Seminal Gun Shoos 3214 54th St. 9507 NW 27m Ave Mi-ami. Beach. $323 month. 9W4JJB7 or 5593 entronos.
Single person onfy. $900 YORKSHIRE TERRIER Year o'd. Champion ime. Beautiful. 922-7946.
perfect Christmas aitt. Oriainal DELUXE 1 2 BEDROOM Ft. Monday thru Friday. season, utilitie Included. 150S TWer BEACH.
1 room, furnished, air, oair cost SSO. pair. 981-1070. 927-312 y-e. Saturdays, v-j.
Officii 3500 polk St, MUST sell by sectional sofa. bedroom suite, washer, 2 dinette set (wrought iron.l Iranrltt irontr, stop table. 983-0467 $160. Month: Yearly. Weekly rote POODLES, one white toy one mmi Furnished Unfurnished NEW 10 gallon aquarium, filter and available.
335 Georgia. 922-7232) 929- 989-3030 RUGS 10 6 xil, S'een soecx.ea $19.95. W.iton Rid Candy Str.ptd, females, AKC. Must sell. Any pump.
S9.95 2302 S. Stato Rd. 7 NICE efficiency. Pool, private oik trance, parking, linens, utilitii. $55, weeY 983-8939 4197 GUNS AND AMMO Now Available.
Near Diplomat Mall, reasonable otter. vat-Wco (441), Hollywood. 12x16. Vn. Others.
966-5322 972-494 LIVING room' club brown 'foam cushion, excellent condition. 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment. CHRISTMAS SHEPHERDS Near track, and TWO pair ornamental brass araoery nets with una. Mi uo int 1 mh HALLANDALE- Seonol. Fwwiehtd -ENJOLLIYINGJIEREL Deluxe 1 bedroom 1 both, carptflna.
iAC Gfnv rirhfri prprts 8 4886 scope teatonaL 212 NE 1th Ave. HalandoJt. two bedroom convertible, enclosed e. $43. New 22 revolver 6 shot.
EFFICi ENUEVroom iryV. reasonable. Season or month. Between Young Circle and Breeding-Shopping Center. 922-7325 for s.ze, color, temperament.
FOR RENT 9224448 (17 DC .1.. VI patio, on IntracaostoL Acred street dishwasher, disposal, elevator, laun Layaway now for Christmas. $75 and light beige drapt'its $75. Upholster? chair, blue, $. Call, 927-7292 after 9:30 AM FULL S.I.
bed, Avocado' New 15225. ram ocean. 97J-I37J. ufl. 981-1041 or 987-604.
dry, unfurnished. No pet. 2775 Taft areen lounge 'chair. 2 week aid. ONE bedroom apartment.
Fumithod. Private entrance, carpeting. On PRIVATE entrance, living; St. 72V-I43B; V22-2D7i 927-0351 ONE bedroom, unfurnished. Air COCKER Spaniel, Male, AKC $50 each.
Phono 925-0569. JOANNOU 3-whel, 3-peed, 26' I Used 22 nflei $'5. uo used 12 gauge IB-own. ng ojto. i.Vt new $125.
We do 1 custom 103a. tg of most rifle and 77 CO-OP A CONDO room combination, kitchen, TV, air. reql'stertd. Block months old. All hoot.
Carpeted. Pool, cniuren ye. milt from beaches, season. 979-991 SEASONAL Two bedroom, one adults tricycle with front and rear heat, carpeting, clean, near beach. MINIUMS FOR RENT shots.
$75. 929-92C6 1 year oh. sin. 9oi-97. HARRIS HQUSE basket.
Used 1 month, like new. 927-266 bath. Completely furnished. Air. heat.
Pool. Adult only. 927-053 TWO bedroom 1 bath apartment un Ideal Chnstma gift. New ae'lvery. furnished, for rent, new buildi uikve a aiw.manT wim fanvii Furalaharf.
Air. laninnnj wanrlw SPACIOUS, clean, quiet. Twin, TV, etc. 9B1-5778. DOWNTON PENTHOUSE Oistol ammo.
We buy fired bras and used guns oid ibadng equipment. Doing ali type gun repair. CALL MINI AKC.Schonauiar pups. 3 weeks old. I- malt; 2 ftmoits.
Delightful Christmas gift. 966-1502 I mmII BEAUTIFULLY furnished spacious one bedroom apartment, walk to ftlr-hoat. Linens, utilitie, IMI mjum New, deluxe, large, fumithod 21 law 1.. in nm tm-otw. corptfing, very nice location.
Yearly Residential area. Seasonal. 929-0149 LIKE new Gaivan.zad trash cans with lids 20 gallon, $1 each. 927-165 Matt. Coll 9ZM2M CORNER One Bedroom, oir hoi bedroom 2 bath.
Pool. Color TV. Garage. Till May lit. Adult, no pat.
Mall. Seasonal or yearly. Call 97 2999 GERMAN shepherds AKC Reasonable. 7461 Raleigh Hollywood teieptvone. is owck Trom LARGE efficiency, twin beds, ampi parking, bu on corner.
Call Sidney 922-4412 973-541; 979-0171 100 POUND Scotsman Ice Machine. Practicaliv new. No room. Mutt YEARLY Gulf stream HaJlondoia Park. $900.
Season Jan. 11 May lit. 200 3rd Sparer, 945-6632, 923-574 I BEDROOM, furnished, control an, Sacrifice. Call 9204153. MINIATURE Schnouier AKC.
1 Beach. 2 hedroom 2 both, fumlshtd. pool, oardent. Near beach, bu. all Ave.
Maiiandot ya-mo week old 2 males. Just in time for FURNITURE Electric heater $2.50 si bed' $15 complett. Couch and chair set $50. Double bed $20. Couch $20.
Chairs $3 in. TV stond $3.50. TV $30. Dinette set $10. NEW Reclintr choir end couch set $189.95.
Dinette, ttf- $39.95. Bedroom set. $99.95. Table lamps $6.19. Three piece end table set $18.95.
Rtclintrs $59.95. Utility table 50. 2055 LEE ST. 922-4531 OPEN U-Haul trailer. 9x4', $100.
Call central air ana near. Kretnoa porcn, shopping. Season. 929-547, 925-5621 Tf-OUPUXES FOR RENT Christmas. Call 99-2552 HOLLYWOOD one bedroom opait- VN-0623 $275 per month.
DIVER Sptc-al Scuba tonki, like new. 71 2 cu. n. $50. 80 eu.
in. $193. 961-1275 lent. turmsnea. season SIS00 until ONE bedroom ana bath luxury con dAmlnuim far rent.
Mi jit xaa ffa aa. GALVANIZED swing set, Stars SEASONAL CAPUCHIN monkey, largo outdoor cage. Working girt unable to cart for. Sacrifice cheap. '975-3095 983- April 1st.
Convenient location, downtown. 923-312. TWO bedroom unfurnished apt. fencing, half price. 24 ft.
oreciate. Complete recrtation drape 1 Adult only. decorativt iron fence, $50. 923-2377 Waterfront, 1-1, furnished. Golden Isles, wall-wall' carpeting, control air now Yearly.
new t. 2849 GOLF clubs. Men new Wilson. $35. Lady Burke.
100 used clubs. 50 uo. 966-1253 TWO bedroom 2 bath, furnlthod, 927-7020 raciiitiet include niiiara room, card room, roc room. pool, etc. Yearly lanta nt 9M Bar manllV fVa child 37 SO- yard gold Caoralan nylon apartment, central air I'heat, 110 and heat.
AKC Dobermans. Male, 5. months, TWO bedroom I bedroom or of- carpet with padding. Good condi- rrtn Ave. ya-7007 (125.
Female, 2 ytar. 1100. 9S1-654J over 14 acceptable, no pets, 923-021 an. Make otter. 985-6062 attar 5 and 97-2316 150 feet from ocean', fcralthtd, central oir.
and' hoot. Call today for month, tea son. 2237 Filmoror. SEASONAL. Toarty.
twmceatoiyi 47 SWAP SHOP Stmer. rumisned. Mccemmeaato s. children; PETS WELCOME VERY LARGE, DELUXE 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH JUST LIKE A HOME IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY COMPLETE 1204 NORTH 17th AVE. DINING room table with 6 chairs.
very goad condition $75. Phone 927-'IV95. REAL CLASSY detail on these and other rentals. ENGLISH theoodog, white female. 6 months.
Vtrv aentle. Great for Avaiktbla now. 925055 MIRROR 7' 5 with walnut frame $100.. Call 583-4473 HOLIDAY SHORES REALTY Beautifully furnished 7 bedroom 2 kid. Paper.
966-5066 after' DELUXE 3 bedroom, 2 bath, furnish-' ad. $2,500 season. Alio, one. bedroom upartrnent seasonal or 1 FURNISHED Apartment. bedroom.
bath condominium HaUandai RUGS 9 12 Orange. $10. 9 12 No Mtto A voi labia until March let. 1961 PICK-uo Truck, 1961 Ford, new tires, st-cker, trade for good station wagon. 1112 N.
22nd City Rtar Aot.l" SPOT remover Dalmatian 2331 Hollywood Blvd. 9234531 waterfront; dock and pool, available Mahawk saat $10. 10 12 aoid 42" ROUND pedestal table w'th 4 swivel ban, wrap around back thairx, steel const ruction. Turquoise, like now $80. 987-8923 800 NE 10th St.
Hallandale. 927-497 pup. Champion AKC yearly. Ann Stevenson, Realtor, 23 022. speckled, $19.95.
14 17 Hot pink. registered. Will hold until ftiristmai. 1 UNFURNISHED, I A 2 $25. Others.
Kurnalion 966-532 January 1st. for months; H300 plus Adults only. Prime Properties, Inc. 7150 Stirling Road 917-7644 MALIBU- 2838 MADISON SEASONAL vtr-4iol otter t'PM. Yearly.
Carpeting. Hoot, Air con 41 WANTED TO IUY TWO bedroom 2 bath, seasonal, com-A pittely furnished, air, heat, noar, (Moping, golf, churches, Adult. 927 ditioned. Adults. Harding GREAT' -Dane watchdog.
AKC. SOFA chair. 9 W. Lake Dr. Pembroke Lake Park.
Hallandale. 1730 N. 17th court. 2 unit building luxuriously furnished. 1-2 bedroom apartment.
VACUUM CLEANERS $10 FURNISHED, 1 bedroom con biocx: 1 monrn 01a. yoi- $587. Corpstadi ONE Choice exooturo. Beautifully dominium. Near snapping, buses.
USED TV s. Portables and Color. Not over 5 year old. Regardless of condition. 989-9950 I 4,30 PM Call 9t3-tS21 landscaped.
Heated pool, therapeutic Pool. recreation. laundry TOY Poodle AKC Apricot, female. Pueov. Trained.
Shots. H-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Hoover, GE, Eiectroiux, Guarantied. 96752 weekend. Seasonal or yearly. 9734312 Barry Steve jet.
Spacious urn dec, oumna green; Adult, no pet. 927-3050; 97- Act Vacuum Cleoners, 71 Holly Champion- line. Love children. U1S HARDING. St.
I room furnithed wood 93.191 SEASONAL RENTAL Furnished Apts. Hollywood Hills 1249 Sacrifice. 983-3857, 581-8811. ouailmont. air conditioned.
$10 IN Golden lilt 1 bedroom 1 bath, Co-oo a at. Cornol ettlv furnlthod. HOFNER 500 I Guitar bass. Double flofltifia Pickups. Excellent con SELLING carpeting from 2 bedroom per montti.
coil ttwbo SHEPHERD pupptes. week. Rock- dition. Mutt toll. Btrt offtr.
989-4040 oFROGELo LIVE ON BEACH apartment. And 9x12 Oriental rug. Scrttnod veranda, dishwasher, disposal, pool. To responsible party ing Kose HoncW, 57-9727 SHEJtWOOO Pork Apartm. Good condition.
Reasonable. 945-2357 WE BUY SELL Furniture Appliances WE PAY CASH HARRIS HOUSE FURNITURE 2055 LEE ST. 922-4531 cuoancv February lit or eooner, Om bid room ooartnwnt. beautiful tSOO POLK ST. tor oeason or roar.
ra-si ERIK DANE La roe 2 bedroom, carpeted. 2 both. 961-5028 99-2438 927-260 BATTERIES volts, $6.12 volt, $8. Exchange. Groato Radiator.
5635 MfnBfhlng worth infl. Soson IRA TELLER, 925-2268. PHIL 989-3030- HALLANDALE New luxury Hi- Great Done, oure color brdodlna. fi it. Two bedrooms, baths.
From carpeted, control olrioot, recreation room, private potking, balcony overlooking hoofed peel. Call 97-9372 Hallandali Btach Blvd. 9(3-9172 Strum Realty NEWLY fumithod 2 bedroom wall si wall shag carpet, peel, air con $300. Call 922-115. SAVE TIME SHOP VICTOR'S FIRST.
Victor ha matt every make end model piano or argon, 12 floors America- Lorgeit Display. 103 Pracfict Piano from $50.00 V. 208 Spintt plane from $200 00 100 Grand piano from $200.00 300 Spin argon tram S200.00 pIimt ewanot and Brand blue It black puppies, out of tap American bloodline. Show quality. UNFURNISHED duplex 2 bedroom 2 bath, air conditioned, refrlaeratar.
ditioned. 1223. 9Z94M)i 943-tCOi. BARBELLS, $10. Mognatona plifier $40..
Call 98J21 981-2220 RARE VACANCY! FABULOUS brand now furnlthod lux NEW APTS. 3624 JACKSON TWO bedroom, ena bath, control air- ury 9th floor penthouse apartment CLAIROL Hairtttttri Surfboardi .120 I Bedroom Apartment Unfurnished. MALTESE Pupptes. AKC, Tiny, 5 week, malt female. $150.
Poodle steve-oven, washing machine, rugs, drop, Venetian Wind, carport, utility room. $185. month. Security. Avoilablt Jan.
lit. 023071 Luxur ANYTHING OP VALUE WILL BE TAKEN IN TRADE FOR A NEW OR USED CAR AT PONTIAC 96I-8950. Walk to town. Modern, soaclous. cen Mat.
Pool, adult only. Yearly. TV- 0583 an water, 1 entrances. 1 er 2 bedroom, mum, pool, beach, South bast accordion) electric broom chemistry set; portable tl vision; conveniences. TVs.
Walk to liny Toy, maw, VS. 919-5702. tral air conditioning. Adult no pet. Ytar' Loom $145 monthly.
Prone EactgeJu Dealer for organ by "AiUa dm. cUhranstn. Piono by Ocean Drive, Hallandale. .83700 Jan, Largo patio. 99-4376, 922-7901 Sandwich grill! 97-1415 CHRISTMAS Special.
Champlo I-April 15th. 925-1999. ONE bedroom, little dream In a new 123S S. 21st Ave. Un 927-1282 FURNISHED I 4r A Iff urarwKrsiencu i-i, Electric 1 Knight, Kowot, zL' I rVrtiaxtro In- kitctitn.
Near thoppinq, but. $175 i mon or yearly. Apply furnished yearly mai. nfkVl 9MIlJITJt VUIITUPVin oup. 10 week old.
All shots. $71 up Call 961-3742 or 9814474 SEASONAL-Yearly. Lovely Garden NEAR DOWNTOWN V-boHv. FiriMoit, PATIO STONES Bdr-B-Q-Stofuory-Pump Tile Table Con. Clothe Pelts Federal Highway, Dania US1 WW WWW Tin mm aaartments, Furnished, untitle.
LSmSt Vryu-i-i strument. Fender. Cordx, Seotr Flichor.Seeburg Dierl-A-Record 96N90 BEAUTIFUL ant 1 Bedroom. 1 bath, central air and ONE bedroom furnithed apartment, Air i hoot. Off street parking.
Cen FURNITURE WANTED CHESTS DRESSERS DESKS, BEDS DINETTES CABINETS ANYTHING NICE 922-7705 ment. unfurnished, facing Diplomat PEKINGESE PUPS, AKC DENMARK'S MFG. 522-2559 trally located. 9Z2-75M Golf Course. A pool, wavum season or yearly.
242 SW Irh Dania. heat. Completely furnished. Monthly, season or 'early. Seasonable rate.
Coll 93-9230 BEAUTIFUL NEW DUPLEX UNITS Champion lino, 9f7-3603 VIL I UX rinrvua mnu 7 NW St, Corner NW 5 St. nd 3rd Ave. on Miami or Expway IS at DAVENPORT bed with matching chair alto rug. 7'" Harvey NEW bedroom apartment, efficiency, TWO bedroom, 2 both EVES CIRCLE APTS. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY hotel room.
Adult, no pet. Air, to wall carpet, seasonal. in PALMVIEW REALTY, INC. Dan, palmetto Trailer Pork. HI N.
POODLE Puppies, Black mimafure. Toy and miniature stud service. )l3 TO $200 FIRST A LAST MONTH QUICK CASH hoot. Convenient. 919-IIuui 98) H80L wy.
Hallondalt. Hollywood, near circle. 91-1720 54th St. Mit. FREE DIRECT LINE M131 nisi oiiv NT.
TUNE. REPAIR YEARLY. New I bedroom oot. Un. 941-067 1901 Harrison St.
Realtors 927-4257 583W 583-5115 731J2M MUM ETEI 1 ROSENTHAL china tetfina for 8. furnished carpeted. Pool, all electric wmruibbi nj. mnu nwimn. LOVELY furnished 1 bedroom apartment air-heat.
Near Young Ores. POR 600D USED FURNITURE WORKING APPLIANCES BEDROOM SETS. ETC PI. Uurdala S2H7W Sirm ONE bedroom apartment fumithod, Silverware. Beautiful banquet spoeiou, alphtat, beautiful FOUR turn 1 a CMtrol kitetien, panting, aim, seasonal.
Efficiency. Furnished. 'Untitle ks- Seasonal, yearly, adult only. 99- iburbon area. Season only.
tljOOB. at 1H1 Lot Oat SIAMESE kitytn, pan trained, raised with children and dog. $25. each. 27-4061.
pool, sauna bath, Sun- dock. ReaJonabl. 233S Polk Street, Apt. SA. laweciom.
lannh Til 1020. I Ask far Stella) hoot. Walking stone fc roetrrrock, tooeonoH. itlf MoyoStVv OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY 2W41I 99-919 524. 93-1321 cluded.
Adutttf Jt oety 9227548 j..