Home » Blog » DIY » How to Build A Huge Chalkboard

· Modified: by Lisa · This post may contain affiliate links · 26 Comments

A detailed step-by-step tutorial teaching you How to Build a Huge Chalkboard for affordable! This is perfect for a kids playroom, kitchen, laundry room, mud room or main family room!


I am so excited about how this project turned out! I have a plan this school year, but it requires a huge space that I can write and change each week. We have a blank space on the wall and I knew a huge chalkboard would be perfect, but I didn’t want it to be an eyesore!


The whole project cost me about $60 for everything. Which for this size of a chalkboard, with a finished stained frame, is a killer deal!



1 – Large Sheet of MDF

2 -1×4’s

Chalkboard Paint

Stain – I used Special Walnut

Small screws

Picture hangers


The back of the chalkboard is thin MDF from Home Depot. They come in huge sheets, but the wonderful people at Home Depot cut it exactly to 6×4 for me. I suggest having them cut it to the size you specifically want. I brought it home and put a layer of Brush-On Chalkboard Paint and let it dry for 4 hours. Then I aded a second coat.


While it was drying, I measured my 1×4’s to frame the MDF. I laid my 1×4 on the side of my MDF and marked them about an inch longer than the MDF. Once I had my 1×4 sides cut I placed them on the MDF. Make sure to place them a little bit over the edge so the wood is more of a frame and the MDF doesn’t line right up with the wood. I started by cutting and placing my two sides. Then I measured the space in between my side board at the top and the bottom of the chalkboard and then cut my top and bottom pieces that length.

To get a more distressed look on the frame I took our hand sander to the 1×4’s and rounded out the edges. The rounded edge is on the right. I love this look so much more!


You can see about how much I took off here:


Once I had the edges rounded I gave the whole 1×4 a good sanding to get it ready for stain. I used my favorite Minwax Special Walnut stain HOW TO BUILD A HUGE CHALKBOARD (6)for the frame. It’s warm, but not too red or yellow.


Once the stain and the second layer of chalkboard paint had dried overnight we simply screwed them together with small screws. Place your frame face down and line it up how you want it, then lay the chalkboard on top of it and put the screws in:


We used little screws and reinforced the corners really well, and then added a few screws in the middle.


I bought a hardware cup drawer pull to hold my chalk. I suggest buying them at a local hardware store, so you can just buy one and not a pack of them! I just had to screw it in from the back.


Just a note for hanging the chalkboard – it is heavy! I made sure we could hang it on the studs in the wall. To do this I put a piece of masking tape along the wall. Then I used a stud finder to mark on the tape where the studs were.


Once I had the studs marked I took the tape off and put it on the back of the chalkboard. That way I knew exactly where to attached the sawtooth picture hangers. When I nailed the nails into the studs of the wall the sawtooth hangers were the correct distance apart.


I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!


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Reader Interactions


    • Pam Dana

      We painted the brown side. You can lightly and it beforehand too and that will help. And make sure you allow the paint to completely cure before using it!! Good luck!


      • Amber

        Did your board end up a little rough or smooth to the touch??


  1. Sonia

    Does this chalkboard with with chalkboard markers? I love this DIY project. I’m thinking of making this to hang in our storefront window.


  2. Nina

    What kind of picture hangers did you use ? I made a chalkboard and am trying to figure out how I can get it completely flush with the wall do that it’s not wobbly when I write. Would love to know!


    • Pam Dana

      We used sawtooth picture hangers! They’re awesome and help it be sturdy and as flush to the wall as possible!


  3. Tiffany

    I’m so excited I found this tutorial. This is exactly what I’ve been wanting. I have a couple questions as this will be my first project ever! What thickness mdf did you use? The thinnest at home depot is 1/2 inch. Or could I use particle boars which is 3/8 inch? TIA!


    • Pam Dana

      I believe mine was 1/4″. I would go with something thinner than 1/2″. You don’t want the chalkboard weighing too much! Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how it turned out!


    • Ash Christine

      I just found out that home depot actually sells chalkboard already finished. It’s super light weight and one less step. I know this is a little late, but just throwing some extra ideas out there to make it a little easier. I just finished my chalkboard a couple days ago and it looks great! I made a hanger out of stained pine (I used dark walnut) and attached metal flanges and metal conduit to the stained pine to give it more of a rustic look! I just screwed in screw eyes into the top of the chalk board (which I also used stained pine for) and attached it to stainless steel S hooks that hang from the metal conduit.

      • Veronica

        Can you share a picture? How is it holding up? Thanks for the tip!


  4. Amanda V

    Do you use the chalkboard a lot? How does it hold up to writing and erasing and writing, etc? I chalkboard painted my classroom door and the first time I erased to write something new, you could still see what I wrote the first time and the paint chipped when I was writing on it. I really want to make what you did for my dining room wall but am scared it won’t hold up if I change it often.


    • Pam Dana

      I have chalkboard painted a few thingsand feel like they’ve done really well. I usually do 2-3 coats and then make sure and cure it good. I agree that it doesn’t erase as easily as a normal chalkboard. But, I usually only change what’s on the board like once a week. Make sure and use a good brand of paint!


      • Stephanie Peterson

        I am excited to make this before school starts with my family. A quick trick about cleaning blackboard paint…. use the Magic eraser with a little soapy water and it that does the trick like Magic!


    • Christie

      I always prepare a new chalk board before writing on it. Take white chalk, and lay on its side, shade the entire board and erase. Repeat several times. The chalk board is ready to go.


    • Kristine crane

      Tou can spray it with clear white board finish if you’re going yo only use the markers
      Also did you chalk it before you used it?


  5. Mila

    Thanks so much for explaining how it works. I spent hours searching internet to buy one that fits my wall. Very good pin.


  6. temptedbysugar

    I did our chalkboard directly on the drywall. It has been the scourge of my existence since the beginning (I started the project 1.5 years ago).
    I wanted it to be magnetic too for our spelling/reading tiles, so magnetic paint was my first step. That part worked well. Then I painted 2 layers of chalkboard paint, following the instructions on the can. It was rough in places because of the texture of the drywall, even though it isn’t textured. So I purchased a sander and went about sanding the wall (covered with the black paint of the chalkboard). What a mess!! I had black dust everywhere, and probably now have black lung! It didn’t help the texture of the drywall much.
    I called the company who made the blackboard paint. The rep asked me if I “primed the wall first”. Palm to forehead. “No. It’s been painted multiple times in the past”. She instructed me to prime it, then use only one more layer of chalkboard paint in order to preserve the magnetic paint.
    I finally got around to doing this (months later), and it didn’t work…I just ordered a large 8X4 whiteboard. I’m over having to have a blackboard. I must admit I’m hard on my blackboard – it gets repeated daily use. Another problem is that the board doesn’t like to let go of the chalk. I’m constantly needing to wash the board with a damp cloth.
    Oh well, perhaps the MDF would work better…but I will never know.


  7. Mike

    What is the size of the MDF? The article says Home Depot cut it for you to 4×6 but it definitely does not look like it is 4 ft x 6 ft which is the size if a hockey net. 🙂


    • Juliza

      she said 6×4 not 4×6


  8. sarah

    How do you hang this flush to the wall? We have ours finished and it’s a 4’x4′ and it’s a bit heavy and we were wondering how to hang it flush so the metal chalk board doesn’t wobble.


  9. Wes

    Did you put a sealant on the stained border?


    • Pam Dana

      I believe I used a polycrylic!


  10. Bonnie

    What a great project! What made you decide to use MDF rather than paint the wall? I had been thinking of just framing off our wall and painting chalkboard paint directly onto the wall, but I see that you had a different method. I would love to know your decision process! Thanks 🙂


    • Ashley

      Bonnie, I’m just guessing, but most walls have a slight texture, and you get a much smoother surface, and you can gouge into the drywall if you’re not cafeful!


  11. Steph



  12. Christina

    I love your chalkboard! I just spent Sunday with my dad making 3 of my own. Thank you!!!


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How to hang a large chalk board? ›

My husband used anchors and black screws and just screwed it around the edges right into the wall. Another option would be to frame it out and attach picture hangers to the back to hang it.

What is the best material to make a chalkboard? ›

The most common non-porous materials used for chalkboards include vinyl, acrylic, porcelain, and slate.

What is the best wood to use to make a chalkboard? ›

If you want to frame your new chalkboard surface, Rachelle suggest you use pine wood. Using a high grade pine (“Select Pine”) is best if you want your finished product to have a more polished look. Lower grade pines will be harder to sand and paint, and usually have more knots giving them a more rustic appearance.

How do you make a wooden framed chalkboard? ›

DIY Framed Chalkboard
  1. Step 1: Measuring and Marking the Cuts. ...
  2. Step 2: Cutting the Frame. ...
  3. Step 3: Routing a Rabbet. ...
  4. Step 4: Drilling Pocket Holes. ...
  5. Step 5: Assembling the Frame. ...
  6. Step 6: Cutting the Chalkboard Backing. ...
  7. Step 7: Applying Polywall to the Plywood. ...
  8. Step 8: Applying Chalkboard Paint.

Can you drill through a chalkboard? ›

Yes - you can safely drill holes in the chalkboards to hang without harming the surface. We recommend putting masking tape on the board where you plan to drill - to be sure the drill bit does not scratch the surface before it "grabs", and drill from the front of the board.

What is the difference between a blackboard and a chalkboard? ›

While black was the original colour for blackboards, many chalkboards now rely on a green porcelain surface, which reduces glare. As this green surface became more popular, the word chalkboard came into use instead of blackboard in the 1960s.

What is the biggest disadvantage of chalkboard? ›

Disadvantages. On the other hand, chalk produces dust, the amount depending on the quality of chalk used. Some people find this uncomfortable or may be allergic to it, and according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), there are links between chalk dust and allergy and asthma problems.

What is the best surface for a chalkboard? ›

Non-porous materials often used for chalkboards include slate, porcelain, acrylic and vinyl. So which do you want? I HIGHLY recommend going with a non-porous chalkboard, especially if you plan on using chalk markers. If you use a chalk marker on a porous board, it's going to seep into those pores and stain.

What can I turn into a chalkboard? ›

Select a smooth surface to turn into your chalkboard. It can be an old mirror, a piece of wood, a thrifted picture frame. You can also head to your local craft store for unpainted signs and shapes that are just begging to be turned into chalkboards. Your as long as your surface is smooth, it doesn't have to be flat!

What is the best alternative to a chalkboard? ›

Alternatives To Chalkboards: Whiteboard Paint (Clear)

Why not try Whiteboard Paint in a transparent coating? Create a smooth black wall where your chalkboard used to be, and it won't release dust into the air. You'll be using markers instead of chalk which is much more environmentally friendly.

What is the size of big blackboard? ›

Board Size: 24'' x 18'', 17'' x 23'', 24'' x 36'', etc.

How do you make a big whiteboard at home? ›

First purchase a large piece of cardboard from an arts and crafts store. You can also cut out one of the panels from a cardboard box using a knife or a pair of scissors. After you have a large piece of cardboard, you can then cut it down to the appropriate size for each individual whiteboard.

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Adjust spacing in WYSIWYG view

In WYSIWYG view, after you create your list, place your mouse pointer at the end of each bulleted or numbered line and press Shift + Enter. You're adding a line space between each list item. If you continue to press the key combination, additional line spaces are added.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.